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Schools in Winnipeg and Brandon will move to remote learning next week.

Staring Wednesday, May 12, all Kindergarten to Grade 12 schools in the two cities will practice remote learning.

All other schools in the province will continue in-person instruction with additional health measures.

The following additional measures will be implemented in Manitoba schools from Wednesday, May 12 to May 30th:

•    schools with multiple cases (outside of same household cases) will be moved proactively to remote learning as per existing guidance
•    school officials can require students and/or staff who are showing symptoms to stay home for 10 days and encourage them to seek testing Household members without symptoms should also self-isolate (quarantine) until the sick individual’s test result is received
•    all extra-curricular activities, organized sports and off-site activities are suspended, except for physically-distanced walks/runs in the local community
•    no indoor singing and no indoor use of wind instruments will be allowed
•    all other public health measures will remain in effect

For more guidance on Manitoba's current public health orders, click here.