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Beginning today, Phase One of Manitoba’s RoadMap For Recovery will start allowing things like non-urgent surgery, dentists visits, hairdressers, and retail shopping.

A discussion on the CKDM Facebook page showed the Parkland has some mixed feelings on reopening the plan.

CKDM made a poll on Facebook to see the ratio between reopening supporters and critics. The answers were a close mix, with 44% of people saying it’s ok to start opening, and 56% think it’s too early out of 219 votes.

Chris from Dauphin says it’s okay to open, as long as everyone proceeds with caution. He adds that our small businesses need our money.

Darlene from Ethelbert believes that we need to open back up and let people return to their jobs. She says that we need to get back out into the community and strengthen our immune systems. 

Adam from Dauphin agrees that it’s time to open certain services like dentists, chiropractors, and non-emergent surgery, however other services like hairdressers and barbers should remain closed.

Wendy from Rorketon thinks that with all the uncertainty around the virus, now is not the time to re-open. 

Jessica from Alonsa and Amy from Dauphin agree that it is too soon to open. They think that our province’s cases are relatively low, and fear that reopening will cause a spike in numbers.