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The Dauphin Correctional Centre Coalition Group has now finished their meeting with Justice Minister Cliff Cullen, and the result is not what they’d hoped for.

CKDM reporter Isaac Wihak spoke with DCCC group co-founder Larry Budzinski immediately after the meeting in Winnipeg.

“Well it was cordial, but I would say it is frustrating from our point of view. We asked the direct question of the ministers if they would put this on hold and stop the closure until we can plan something together. The answer seemed to be, unequivocally, no.”

Budzinski thanked the people of Dauphin and the Parkland region, and urged them to continue writing the minister and premier.

“I guess what I’ve learned is that elected representatives are not necessarily listening the people if our area and our region. Everyone thinks this is a terrible decision."

Justice Minister Cliff Cullen says the jail is too old, and no longer meets facility standards.

“We’re committed to this decision. Obviously it was a difficult decision to make, but we believe it’s the right decision. Obviously it will impact individuals; that’s why we are working with employees and will continue to do so as we work through this process.”

Today the Manitoba government announced details about it’s new transition committee to work with staff and families affected by the closure of the Dauphin Correction Centre.

The Justice Minister says the goal is to help answer questions, identify resources and connect employees and their families with their next employment opportunity.