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Last night the City and Rural Municipality of Dauphin recognized some of its greatest heroes at an annual appreciation dinner.

Fire Chief Cam Abrey says it’s a special night to honour our firefighters.

 “We take the opportunity during the evening to recognize our current firefighters and our past firefighter with either years of service or retirement awards. Presented in front our families, our peers, and our elected officials.”

Among those honoured last night:

  • Erin Deederly for 5 years service and Darren Killen for 15 years service.
  • Donny Woitowicz (alumni) was presented with the Governor General’s Exemplary Service Medal for 20 years service split between Dauphin and Duck Bay Fire Departments.
  • Alvin Bogoslowski and Richard Snyder were both presented with the Manitoba Association of Fire Chiefs Long Service Award for 35 years Service.
  • Devon Pylypchuk was also presented with a challenge coin for completing the Fire Fighter Level II training in 2019.
  • Sabrina Anderson and Mark Bass were presented with their badges and officially took the Fire Fighter’s oath of office.
  • Ernest Karpiak and Al Gray were both recognized for their time with DFD and the Manitoba Fire Service and presented with retirement gifts acknowledging their years of service.

“Fire Service is truly a family. So having everybody gathered together to break bread and recognize achievements that have been made over years of service, is something all the firefighters look forward to each year.”

Coming up March 21st the department is planning to hold their annual boot drive for muscular dystrophy.