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Prairie Mountain Health has recently announced a comprehensive plan to identify and address the improvements that can be made in the regional healthcare system. 

After over a year of consultation involving both staff and the public they serve, PMH has identified four crucial priorities that will be addressed in this new plan:

  • Positive health care experience for Manitobans with a focus on quality health services 
  • Improved Health system capacity, performance, and accountability 
  • An empowered, adaptable, and high-performing workforce
  • Strengthened fiscal sustainability and value for money

The challenge of this plan was the scale of the region that PMH covers, and Dan McGregor, Regional Lead of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer spoke with us on the importance of consulting with the public in every corner of the region.

"It's important to note that there is different needs throughout the region, so when we're coming up with a strategic plan and some of the priorities, understanding that the needs in one area of Prairie Mountain Health might not be the same as others. It must be considered in our planning process to make sure it's not a one-size-fits-all for the entire region"

McGregor also noted that one of these four priorities is more crucial to address for most healthcare services in the province.

"There's more of a focus on empowering, adaptable, and high-performance workforce, but really that's largely around retention and recruitment of staff which is clearly a main focus of ours and as much as it has been in the past, the need for retaining and recruiting of staff is of utmost importance right now"

The plan went into action on the first of April and has already begun to work towards these goals, identifying the best ways to meet the objectives laid out. 

McGregor also mentioned that while the plan itself is new, it simply builds upon all the great work that Prairie Mountain Health has already been doing for the area.

For a full overview of Prairie Mountain Health's 5-year plan, Visit, or click This Link to go right to the plan itself.