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The Province of Manitoba is opening crown lands to producers and allowing cut hay and animals to graze.

The very dry conditions experienced in parts of the province are the reason for the government opening up the land.

The government says livestock must be removed when the naturally existing forage is exhausted or by October 31 and baled hay must be removed by November 15th.

2004 was the last time the Government of Manitoba opened up crow land for grazing.

Agriculture Minister Ralph Eichler spoke with us about the conditions around the province and what farmers are doing.

“We have producers that are sitting pretty good with their hay that they need, with the amount that they need. So, some of them actually have some for sale. Also what we’ve been seeing is some of the corn crops, for example, that’s not going to yield well as a crop but it’ll yield well as silage. So we’re seeing some of the corn growers turn some of that already into making silage out of it.”

You can apply for permits to go onto crown land by contacting your closest Manitoba agriculture office or go to the government of Manitoba’s agriculture website.