Student Vote Manitoba 2016 is setting up election workshops in dozens of schools across the province that will have the kids take part in a mock election, and teach them about how elections work, and why they matter.
Henderson Elementary teacher Megan McBain says her class loves doing things like this because it matters to everyone.
"This is something that means something to them. They can talk to their parents about it, it's something their parents know about. It's not something like, in the curriculum, they have to learn about ancient Egypt. The kids, they aren't in ancient Egypt. No one goes to ancient Egypt."
McBain's grade 3-4 class did the workshop for last year's federal election, and says they love learning about elections this way.
"This is the second time we've done it this year, and they aren't sick of it yet, so I think they're going to get out and it'll be a positive experience for them."
The results from the student vote will be available as the actual polls close next week, to compare the students' results with the general population.
Henderson Elementary is just one of several Parkland schools doing the workshops. Barker VC in Dauphin, Ste Rose School, Gilbert Plains Collegiate, Grandview School, Goose Lake High in Roblin, and both schools in Winnipegosis will also be taking part in Student Votes.