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Swan River's Trey Sauder will be in Thompson in under a week for the Manitoba Winter Games.

Sauder will be playing in the U-16 men's hockey tournament.

"It's a great opportunity," said Sauder. "Not everyone gets the chance to do it, so I just have to make the most of it."

The Games will feature the best U-16 men's hockey players in the province, which will be a challenge for the 14-year-old.

"I'm just trying to go to the gym as much as I can," said Sauder. "I need to be physically and mentally prepared for it."

Trey will play on Team West (White) at the Games and will be joined by seven other players from the Parkland Bantam Rangers on the team.

"I'm really looking forward to playing with my teammates from the Rangers," said Sauder. "And meeting new people, and playing with people I usually play against."

All the action kicks off at the C.A. Nesbitt Arena on March 4 for Trey and the rest of Team West White.

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