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The baseball season in Dauphin is on pause and it will be so for another two weeks or so, but Dauphin Minor is giving players an opportunity to win some prizes while staying active and training.

For the next few weeks, Dauphin Minor will be releasing teaching videos on their Facebook page and that's where registered players come in. Any player that is registered to play this season can send in their video of them practicing the video of that week and when the video is sent in, their name is put in a draw for prizes.

This initiative is brought to you by Dauphin Minor and Parkland Source for Sports. Jodie Romanow says this isn't mandatory for players, but it is a good way to stay sharp until we can get back on the field.

"It's just something fun that we wanted to do for the kids, now they can look forward to a new video every week," said Romanow. 

The videos are done by Carter Williamson, a Dauphin baseball player that is NCCP certified. Last week's video featured the proper throwing mechanics. This week's video is about proper fielding mechanics.

Romanow is hoping teams can return to the field in the middle of next month but in the meantime, she hopes players continue practicing until they can.

"We're encouraging players to keep throwing the ball, we feel that's very important," ended Romanow. "Now that the weather looks great, it's a good idea to head outside and throw the ball around."

Every player that sends their video privately to Dauphin Minor this week will receive free ice cream from Coffee Creations and they will also be entered into the grand prize draw. The final draw is June 19 and that's when gift cards to Parkland Source for Sports will be up for grabs.