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Several Parkland communities are currently under a severe thunderstorm watch.

The communities of Gilbert Plains, Ashville, Grandview, Valley River, Winnipegosis, Fork River, Ethelbert, Roblin, , Russell, Binscarth, Sifton, Ochre River, Makinak, and Rorketon are under the watch.

Weather conditions are favourable for a storm to produce large hail, heavy rain and damaging winds.

A low pressure system is sliding east across the prairies and is predicted to trigger scattered thunderstorms from the afternoon into the evening.

We’ll keep you updated as it progresses.

Dauphin Derailleurs Cycle Club officially released the details of their Master Plan Trails Concept.

In front of a full crowd at the Countryfest Community Cinema last night, the trail plans were shown and explained.

 Brenda Gregory, the president of the club, spoke with us at the event about how much work was put into creating the trail plans.

“It was a lot of work but we contracted Alex to do that work. He’s the expert. We had ideas, he worked with us about terrain, because we started out in certain areas first, that didn’t work out with landowners. So we moved onto Plan B. So he has been working with us since October or November, so it’s already been 7 months of just planning.” 

Gregory also says the priority right now is the trails used for the Summer Games.

“The trails are primarily by the Selo site and near the entrance way around Riding Mountain National Park. The trail that we are focusing on is for the 2020 Summer Games which is going to be involving the stage at the Selo site and that area there downhill towards the gravel road where everyone comes into Countryfest.”

Alex Man, a Trail Designer with Scatliff-Miller-Murray, presented the plans at the event and gives us some detail about what riders can expect.

“We’re using the Selo Ukraina site. There are some amazing valleys and ridges we’re going to use. There’s existing trails out there, we’re going to revamp them to more modern style mountain bike trails. They will be usable for trail runners as well, bird watchers, or dog watchers. The other part, the trailhead facilities are going to be the water treatment plant near Highway 10.”

Phase one of the project is the top priority, which includes the Manitoba 2020 track.

Man expects the summer games trail will be complete a year before the games to let the track settle in.

Also at the event was the announcement the bike group had raised over 250 thousand dollars since they started working on creating the trail project and another announcement about phase 2 is coming in a couple weeks.

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Starting this evening is Dauphin’s annual Relay for Life and there is still time to sign up.

There are a few changes to this year’s event such as location and duration of the event.

This year’s event will be held indoors at the Credit Union Place to prevent from inclement weather interfering with the event.

Also the relay runs from 6:00 in the evening to midnight. The committee felt that the event was too long for people to commit to and in the summer time, people are busy with other events; so they wanted to make it more accommodating.

Angela Kotyk Chairperson, tells us about the other ways relay raises money for the cause.

“There are raffles that are going on, like there’s teams there that are actually fundraising, as well we do fundraising for the event there with a raffle table and different things going on. All the money raised goes to the Canadian Cancer Society.”

Medical marijuana use may be fine for humans, but it’s not for pets.

With the legalization of cannabis, more products and uses will pop up.

While cannabis may be consumed or used by humans, it has yet to be proven effective and safe for pets.

Dr. Roxanne Neufeld, Veterinarian for the Dauphin Vet Clinic, talks about symptoms seen in pets that have been exposed to it.

“The biggest response we will see likely with ingestion, so if they are eating it or especially if it’s put into brownies and so on. Some of the signs you would see would be severe disorientation, tremors, twitching, vomiting and even urine leaking and then tend to drop their body temperature as well.  They can be pretty unresponsive and pretty comatose too if they’re severely affected.”

There have been no scientific studies or evidence that treating pets using cannabis is effective.

Dogs are the most sensitive to cannabis and if you think your pet has been exposed to cannabis, it’s crucial you let your veterinarian know before treatment.

It’s been almost 10 years ago since a 7-year-old Dauphin girl was killed in a pedestrian accident.

A memorial for Teah Ironstand was held today at noon at Whitmore School.

Yvonne Lillie, Teah’s former Grade 1 teacher, tells us what kind of girl she was.

“Teah was always an adventuresome little child. I remember her being quite artistic and like to draw things and was a very talkative little girl in many ways and was always pretty happy about things in life.  She really liked school and enjoyed having friends and doing things with other children.  Those are the things I always remember about her.”

Lillie will never forget the impact Teah’s death had.

“The year I taught her grade 1, I actually had a grade 1 and 2 class and her brother was in the grade 2 class; so I had both the brother and sister together. It certainly stays in my mind very much as to how it happened and how it affected all the kids that were in that class and the school as a whole.  So I think this was a very thoughtful idea to do for her memory.”

The memorial bench and plaque in honour of Teah was revealed in the playground along with a BBQ and Pow Wow.

This year’s Celebration of Learning Year-end BBQ at the DRCSS is taking place tomorrow.

It features live bands, lots of food and the year-end attendance prize of a Chevy Avalanche.

Patty Goodine, a teacher at the DRCSS, spoke with us about everything taking place at the high school.

“We have lots of games happening; volleyball, basketball. We have a slip and slide. We have all the free food for the BBQ. We have live bands playing, from students in our school and staff as well. It’s a lot of fun, and it’s a really exciting time. We have our community members that partnered throughout the year plus parents and whoever else wants to join us to help us celebrate the achievements of our students here.”

The BBQ starts at noon tomorrow with the draw for the attendance truck taking place around 2:30 and 3.

Manitoba universities are trying to deal with the 0.9 per cent cut in funding.

Four universities, the University of MB, the Unversity of Winnipeg, Université de Saint Boniface and Brandon University are all increasing tuition by the maximum 6.6 per cent.

The one that stands out is the Canadian Mennonite University, which is only modestly increasing tuition.

CMU differs from the other universities because it only receives a third of its operating funding from the province and is less affected by the decrease in provincial funding.

There may be a loophole in Manitoba law when it comes to consuming pot in public.

The law is worded to only ban public smoking or vaping, but doesn’t cover consuming homemade edibles in public.

Health Minister Goertzen had no immediate response when asked about this, but later stated they are seeking clarity from the federal government on the matter.

The federal government made it clear that it will not immediately be legal to sell edible cannabis products, but people can bake and eat their own.

Grandview is the location for this year’s State of the District put on by the Dauphin & District Chamber of Commerce.

Parkland municipalities will be presenting what is going on in their areas. So far the R.M. of Mossey River, Ste. Rose Municipality and Grandview Municipality are presenting, with more signing up soon.

 Stephen Chychota, Executive Director for the chamber, explains the concept of this event.

“That was the initial concept behind this event, is that everyone is more or less have a chance to host this. The first one was in Dauphin and the next one coming up is in Grandview, so where it goes next year, we’re not too sure.  We’re really looking forward to having this one be the event of the area for years to come, because for the longest time everyone has had maybe individual presentations or from just our stand point the State of the City Address that typically happens in May; now we want to give the forum to the Parkland.”

The event is on Tuesday over the lunch hour at the Grandview Kinsmen Community Centre. Tickets are available by calling the chamber office at 622-3140 or online at

Molly the cat went missing from her Brandon home on Friday and was found over 120 kilometers away in Grayling Lake on Sunday.

Patricia Pasichnyk from Gilbert Plains, found Molly , the cat, while having a campfire cookout.

She was able to find the owner from a missing cat Facebook post and the tattoo on the animal’s ear.

“We ended up wrapping it up in a blanket and taking it back to Dauphin with us. I posted a post on Facebook and ended up looking on a Brandon Facebook page and came across this cat.”

Pasichnyk contacted the owner who was extremely happy to pick up Molly. She had let the cat out of her Brandon residence on Friday and had no idea where she went after that.

To this day, no one knows how Molly wound up out there in the woods.

Parkland residents with unwanted firearms or ammunition are encouraged to participate in the provincial gun amnesty.

Taking place all month, you can call the Dauphin RCMP Detachment and make plans for an officer to safely take your unwanted guns.

Constable Rob Tuff with Dauphin’s RCMP spoke with us about the program.

 “We encourage people to phone the detachment before trying to turn over any firearms. They can give the detachment a call at 204-622-5020, we will make arrangements to either pick up the firearms at that point or make arrangements for the person to deliver them to the detachment.”

Tuff encourages people to think about if they really need or will use their guns again.

“If you do have firearms in your home, in your garage, wherever they may be stored and if you are really never going to be using them again, do you really need to be keeping them? The message was, if the answer is “no” to that question, then we encourage people to make the call.”   

The police won’t lay charges against anyone turning in a weapon unless it was used to commit a crime or was stolen.