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Starting tonight parking on streets where the Dauphin & District Chamber of Commerce‘s Annual Street Fair is taking place won’t be allowed.

“No Parking” barricades will be put up on affected streets this evening to prevent vehicles from parking in the area.

The barricades will be on Main Street N from 4th Ave to 2nd Ave that’s from Canada Post to CIBC and on 3rd Ave NE from 1st Street NW to the first back lane of 3rd Ave NE meaning the United Church to Nutters.
The city asks that you respect the “No Parking” signs, to allow for the setup and enjoyment of the Street Fair and Dance. 

The Provincial wide gun amnesty program in June collected almost 700 firearms and more than 22 thousand rounds of ammunition.

The program took place the entire month of June and allowed for people to turn in unwanted firearms and ammunition.

Some notable items collected included explosives shell and a cannonball.

“We take the safety of our families and our communities very seriously,” said Justice Minister Heather Stefanson. “By encouraging Manitobans to turn in these unwanted firearms and ammunition we did our part in ensuring that illegal or stolen guns never make it into the wrong hands.”

So far, the Dauphin detachment has collected 256 rounds of ammunition, 3 rifles, and 1 shotgun.

The majority of the firearms and ammunition surrendered during the amnesty will be destroyed. A very small number will be kept for historical, educational, or training purposes.

Today is the last day to pay your property taxes in Dauphin before you start getting charged interest penalties. 

You have until 4:30 this afternoon to head down to City Hall to make your payment.

Sharla Griffiths, the Assistant City Manager warns that starting tomorrow, if you haven’t paid, you’ll be charged 1.25 percent in penalties.

“We’d just love everybody to come on in and get their taxes paid, and appreciate everybody paying their taxes on time.”

She continues that today is going to be a busy one, “It has been quite steady the week leading up, so last week. It was quite busy today and very busy yesterday. So we're expecting it to be someone at our desk at all times today."

You can pay at City Hall through cash, cheque, or debit.

There are two stores coming to Dauphin who intend to sell pot along with a possible third, when it becomes legal in October.

There is one business who has found a proper location within the city, received vetting, and approval from the Province of Manitoba under their Social Responsibility Location Review Process.

They are attempting to be up and running around legalization on October 17th.

Potential thieves tried to break into Dauphin’s Airport last week.

On Saturday the 21st to the 22nd they attempted to break-into multiple buildings.

They were generally unsuccessful, despite using a prybar along with other tools.

There is significant damage to multiple doors on the maintenance garage and terminal building.

An insurance claim is being considered and is looking at additional security.

According to Health Canada, pharmacies in the country are expected to run out of EpiPens.

In a statement from Health Canada, they say EpiPen injectors, which are relied on by people with life-threatening anaphylactic allergies, are in "very limited supply" and Canadian pharmacies will run out of adult doses in the coming days or weeks.

They also said that while some pharmacies might have some inventory on hand now, it will likely be gone soon.

Pfizer Canada, which is a pharmaceutical company, has been reporting shortages for months due to manufacturing delays, and told Health Canada it will not have any new stock of the 0.3 mg adult dose of epinephrine until the end of August.

Health Canada says anyone who has an anaphylactic reaction, but only has an expired EpiPen, should use the expired product and call 911 immediately.

The provincial government is reassuring Dauphin residents that the planned MRI Machine is on track.

Over the weekend NDP Leader Wab Kinew spoke with CKDM about a number of issues his party was worried about relating to the budget of the MRI.

Local MLA Brad Michaleski responds to those comments.

“Those kinds of comments made by the official opposition leader Wab Kinew, they are just wild and speculative. They serve no purpose other than his own. They are actually very, very irresponsible for him to make those comments when there’s just no truth to them at all.”

He continues, “We know this MRI is important to this region and to the Parkland region. The previous government had nearly 20 years to bring an MRI here and they did not do it and now for them to act concerned it just shows a level of disrespect for the people in this region. I just feel that Mr. Kinew’s comments were very irresponsible and we’re right on track and looking forward to bringing the MRI to Dauphin.”

Michaleski says the project is funded and the health region is currently recruiting individuals to work on Dauphin’s MRI once it’s installed and operational.

“I know there were comments made regarding staff. I know that’s not correct either. There’s recruiting going on. So that again is just miss-information spread by Mr. Kinew.”

Michaleski also says the October deadline is on schedule.

“It’s still on track. There was comment made about funding, that’s all in place. We’re totally on track for the opening of it. Just like we’ve been saying all along we’ve been very clear that the MRI was put on hold because of reckless spending and debt growth by the NDP. We needed to put a hold on things and after that, we announced that we are moving ahead with the MRI. I was very pleased with that and just recently there was an announcement of around October and we’re on track with that as well.”

Kinew has suggested that there is no clear budget for the MRI machine and that recruitment was not going on.

In response to Mr. Michaleski’s comments NDP Health Critic, Andrew Swan released this statement.

 “Mr. Michaleski’s comments are a desperate attempt to distract from the fact his government has refused to install an MRI in Dauphin for more than two years. The NDP’s concerns are valid – they are based on government documents acquired through Freedom of Information requests. It’s time the people of Dauphin heard the facts”.

Some of the facts the NDP present include documents from the Department of Health show as of July 19 of this year “the [operating] budget is under review and has not been finalized and provided to Prairie Mountain Health,” and a government briefing note from December of last year states “No current funding source exists…Prairie Mountain Health advised the department that neither Diagnostic Services Manitoba nor Prairie Mountain Health could absorb the significant operating costs associated with this project without additional funding.”

We know Dauphin's Barry Trotz and the Stanley Cup is coming to Dauphin on August 22, and now we know what's going to happen on that day.

Here's the day's schedule:

12:30 p.m.- 1:00 p.m. - Stanley Cup Parade.

"It's going to start at Henderson School," said Karen Rauliuk. "So it's going to come down Mountain Road, hit the corner of Mountain and River and go down River past the courthouse down to Main Street. It'll then continue on to City Hall, and turn towards Credit Union Place and will end there."

1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Pictures with Barry & the Stanley Cup @ Credit Union Place.

"Everyones welcome to come to take a picture with Barry and the Cup, and it's going to be $2 per picture," said Rauliuk. "There will be a hot dog sale that gets you one, plus chips and a drink for $5. Also, there's going to be a raffle table and 50/50. Just come on down and celebrate with Barry."

5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. - Meet & Greet @ Lions Den.

The cost for this will be $1000, which includes the entry for two. There will be appetizers, beverages, and a silent auction. All meet & greet attendees will also receive a personal framed and autographed 8x10 photo as well as a small souvenir commemorating the event.

"It's just a chance to get even more up close and personal with Barry," said Whitney Odut. "

Only 40 pairs of tickets are available for the Meet & Greet. To reserve your spot today, call Whitney at 572-6140. You can also email her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Are you wondering where the money for the various events will go? Right back into our community.

"With all the funds raised that day, Barry plans on giving it right back to the community," said Odut. "And, he's going to match everything up to $75,000."

There are only a few more days to buy your tickets ahead of time before the Canadian National Ukrainian Festival begins.

Jan Sirski Vice President of CNUF explains why today and tomorrow are so important.

“Today is the last day to purchase tickets online.” She continues, “You can still go to the store and purchase them till Tuesday and then after that they are available at the gate.”

Sirski says this weekend’s event should not be missed.

“It’s a great community event. It’s a great celebration of amazing cultures in Canada. There is wonderful music, we have entertainers coming all the way from Edmonton, and of course, we have our headliner from Ukraine Iryna Fedyshyn on Sunday night. We have fireworks and it’s just a wonderful weekend celebration.”

Weekend passes are only 100 dollars and can be bought online today by going to

People can purchase advance tickets in person or by phone from the office until 5pm this Tuesday!

The CNUF office is closing on Wednesday as they get ready for the festival this long weekend.

Parrish & Heimbecker is making an exciting announcement this week.

Wendy McDonald the crop input manager with P and H says at this year’s FIT Trials 2018 event, expansion plans are going to be unveiled.

“They plan to invest in our local area in a major way that would be supporting all of the Parkland area. So, it’s very exciting that they are dedicated to staying committed to the area.”

If you want to be part of the announcement you can still register for Fit trials 2018 which takes place on Wednesday.

Today is the last day you can register for FIT trials 2018. You can RSVP to Dutton Elevator at 204-548-2160.

Manitoba Public Insurance has launched a campaign to help car buyers understand

driver-assist safety features like back-up cameras, lane departure warning, and

adaptive headlights.

MPI says it did a poll and found many people weren't fully aware of how the new safety

features in vehicles work.

They encourage people who are in the market for a vehicle to look into understand what

vehicle safety features are offered, and how they work.

It says vehicle makers may call the technologies by different names, and options may

work differently or have varying capabilities.