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That's a wrap.

The Manitoba Summer Games, Powered by Manitoba Hydro, are in the books and now, we all have an opportunity to look back at the week it was in Dauphin and the area. Clayton Swanton and Carla Wolfenden joined the CKDM Morning Show featuring Justin Allin and Darnell Duff on Tuesday morning to wrap up the week-long event.

Manitoba's biggest sporting event featured over 1500 athletes, 300+ coaches and managers, 100+ officials, and over 750 volunteers. It was a week to remember, and Clayton and Carla opened up Tuesday by thanking the volunteers.

"They stepped up hugely. The ones that volunteered stayed longer, did more shifts, and pitched in anywhere that was needed," offered Wolfenden. "We can't thank the volunteers enough."

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2024 marked the first time in two decades that Dauphin hosted the Manitoba Games after hosting a successful event in 2004. Eight venues played host to events this year, Vermillion Sportsplex, Credit Union Place, the Myles Haverluck Athletics Facility, the Dauphin Curling Club, Northgate Trails, Riding Mountain National Park, Manipogo Provincial Park, and the Gilbert Plains Country Club. 

"I think we showcased why the Manitoba Games are so important," said Swanton. "We hope that we have set a pretty good example for Thompson as they will host the 2026 Winter Games. We are thrilled that athletes from across the province had this opportunity to compete."

It was a great week for Team West, finishing with 78 medals, the third-most. They finished just four behind Winnipeg Gold. Team West included more than 60 athletes from the Parkland, many of which claimed a medal. 

Being from Dauphin, Wolfenden was so proud of every athlete from the region.

"I was so happy to see so many Dauphin and Parkland athletes in the Games," said Wolfenden. "When Team West walked into Credit Union Place for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, it was a big team. I got a little emotional seeing them all. It's about achieving the next level and this is just the start for many of the athletes."

In closing, Clayton and Carla wanted to thank every volunteer, every fan, every official, and everyone who was involved in the event. It was a great success and once again, it's Parkland Strong.

"We had a vision in our heads and it came out even better," ended Wolfenden. 

"Our team was fantastic all week, we problem-solved and achieved amazing things," ended Swanton. "It was fantastic to be a part of such an incredible team. I think we're all going to be sad not working together in this capacity moving forward. It was a pleasure to work with the entire crew."

In the ongoing Saga of contract negotiation between CN Rail, CPKC, and the teamsters union, negotiations have ground to a halt.

And soon, so will the trains.

CN Rails Director of Public Affairs and Media Relations Johnathan Abecassis stated the teamster made a counteroffer over the weekend, but noted parties remain far apart.

In response, CN Rail has begun to enact a lockout of their railways, which will come in phases throughout the week.

"By Thursday morning at one past midnight, all products will be embargoed. CN will continue moving all goods currently on the network, but anything that isn't on the network yet will be refused. we will try and get as much of the existing product on our network off the network as quickly as possible."

Abecassis said that this lockout is an attempt to protect the goods on the rail and create a more logistically sound shutdown, rather than one conducted by the Teamster union, as they worry products could be left on the systems.

The shutdown is already underway, moving dangerous goods or time-sensitive goods to where they need to be.

But come Thursday at 12:01 am, the embargo will go into full effect, and nothing will move by rail.

Now the nation has to wait anxiously for these parties to return to the bargaining table with more shared ideas, lest we find out what an extended rail shutdown could do during the upcoming harvest season.

Today, Norwex celebrated 30 years of operation with a family-friendly BBQ, a building tour, and speeches from local and international dignitaries.

The cleaning products company was launched 30 years ago in Norway, with its Canadian distribution center opening 25 years ago here in Dauphin. 

Chris Copeland, Norwex's North American CEO was in attendance and was proud to see how this Location has become Canada's Stronghold for the brand.

"The 30th year here feels so right. it all started here. How everything in Dauphin started to propagate this business around north America and around the world, and it's a pleasure to be here and to celebrate in the community."

20240819_120956.jpgCo-Founder Debbie Bolton, Accompanied by North American CEO Chris Copeland

Co-founder Debbie Bolton is proud to have built up more than just a company here in Dauphin.

"It's not about one person here, we're really about community. Why it's been so great being in Dauphin we have been able to develop that community and link arms and grow this business"

All the speakers focused on some common themes, the success of community support, and the anticipation of a bright future.

A man arrested in connection with a July 2022  armed standoff on the Ebb and Flow First Nation has made another court appearance.

40-year-old Lyle Malcolm was remanded back into custody until August 27.

And a new court date has been set for one of two people who admitted to a February armed robbery of two teens in Swan River .

21-year-old Jefferson Cook was also remanded back into custody until September 12.

The Manitoba Summer Games, powered by Manitoba Hydro, came to a close on the weekend with the closing ceremonies at Credit Union Place.

CKDM News Now spoke to a few of the athletes after the ceremonies to get their thoughts on the week long event.

\Maury represented the Winnipeg Gold region in sailing. 

"I thought it went really well.  It was quite energetic with lots of things going on and lots of events and lots of fun overall."

Rylan and Gianpaolo were both part of the men's soccer team for the South region.

"I think it was fun." said Rylan, while Gianpaolo added "I think it was a good experience."

"My favourite memory was probably the cafeteria.  It was really nice getting to thank all of the volunteers and have the lovely food that fuelled me up for  my sport." added Maury.

And Aubrey and Jennica represented the North region in girls basketball. 

 "The games were really awesome.." said Aubrey. "There were so many new people to meet and the people that helped out were also awesome."

"The competitive and intensity on the court was awesome." added Jennica. "I loved every second of it.  To see how the athletes worked so hard to come here and participate was great to see it  all (come) together. "

The next edition of the Manitoba Games will take place in March of 2026, as Thompson will host the winter edition. 

An Ethelbert man charged after a June arson case at a home in that community was back in court this week.

54-year-old Marc Dorais faces numerous charges, including Arson with Disregard for Human Life, and hs been remanded back into custody until his next appearance on September 16 in Winnipeg.

Meanwhille, a guilty plea has been entered by one of the accused in the April theft of around 12-thousand dollars worth of electronics from a downtown Dauphin busness. 

34-year-old Florin Chelu was in Dauphin Court on Wednesday, where he was sentenced to time already served in custody, and two years of probation.

This Monday, A cyclical event will return to our night sky, as we will be graced with a "SuperMoon".

But what exactly is a supermoon? well, Scott Young, Planetarium Astronomer at the Winnipeg Museum has an answer to that:

"Yeah, it's something that's sort of become popular over the last few years. Basically, as the moon goes around the earth, it goes around in a slightly oval path. sometimes it's a little closer, and sometimes it's a little farther. And so, when it happens to be a full moon at its closest, they call that a SuperMoon"

You'll see some changes if you look for them, as the moon will look roughly 14% bigger, and 30% brighter, as it's closer in orbit.

Now, Young wasn't always a fan of the term "SuperMoon" because it's not really a massive change.

He has grown to love it though, because the hype has led a lot of people to get out, look up, and really ponder the night sky.

"I think the message is that the moon is always super! Don't wait for some one online to tell you 'hey go look at the sky' because there's always stuff going on."

be sure to be out Monday night and see just how super the moon can really be!

This year marks a very special anniversary for Norwex Industries. 

The cleaning products company was launched 30 years ago in Norway, with its Canadian distribution centre opening 25 years ago here in Dauphin. 

The company's 30th global anniversary will take place this Monday here in Dauphin, and co-founder Debbie Bolton is excited to return to our city for the celebration.

"I am excited to be coming back to Dauphin on Monday to celebrate.  In our industry, there are very few companies that hit 30 years.  So we are quite excited about celebrating this and so thankful for the past and casting a vision of what we see for the next 30 years are going to look like." 

 Bolton is excited to have seen how much the company has grown here in that time.

"We actually shipped from Dauphin to the United States for the first 14 years that we were in business.  But as the company grew, we needed to add a distribution centre in the United States.  But we kept the one in Dauphin, and the one in Dauphin services all across Canada.  And when we started in Dauphin we had two staff members and 11 sales consultants for Manitoba and Saskatchewan.  And today we have almost 60 employees in Dauphin.  During peak times that number goes way up.  And that Dauphin Distribution Centre serves 30,000 sales consultants across Canada. "

The anniversary celebration begins at 11:30 on Monday at the Dauphin Distribution Centre on Whitmore Avenue East.

Bolton says there will be several dignitaries in attendance, tours of the facility, and they are also bringing in their sales consultants from across the country to see where Norwex products are shipped from in Canada. 

Dauphin's Main Street South Reconstruction project is not the only road work being done in the Parkland this summer.

The province sent out a news release yesterday with details of four other projects being done in the region, as part of a $39 million commitment from the provincial government towards road improveents in the Parkland.

Other projects include replacing culverts on Highway 10 south of Mafeking, bituminous surfacing on Highway 10 between Pine River and Cowan, surface restoration on Highway 16 from the Saskatchewan border to Highway 83, and road restoration on three sections of Highway 77, beginning about 33 kilometers west of Highway 10.

In that release, Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Lisa Naylor said the government continues to get work done that builds and strengthens essential roadways and improves infrastructure for rural residents and their communities, which connect them to neighbouring areas and ensure smooth transportation of goods and services.

The Harvest Sun Music Festival keeps the tunes rolling through the weekend with a full schedule lined up Today.

Nadia Kuhl is an Organizer with Harvest Sun Music Fest, who's likely busy right now with the festival underway this weekend

"So, these are local musicians that have grown up on the prairies, and we are really excited to offer a range of music. we really have a lot of marvelous rooted music, we have some amazing fiddlers, we have old-time music, Shotgun Jimmy from Brandon, we have Leaf Rapids from Winnipeg, it's a really wonderful variety of music."

✨☀️ If you are arriving today with your camper, watch for this sign at the entrance to the campground! Gate opens today...

Posted by HARVEST SUN MUSIC FEST on Friday, August 16, 2024

If you are attending Kuhl Notes that tickets will be cash only at the doors, as there is little to no cell service near Kelwood.

Be sure to check out our community calendar to stay up to date with everything going on

Staff Seargent Richard Sherring spoke on the multiple homicides that took place outside of McCreary just hours ago.

Due to the ongoing investigation, little can be said.

Preliminary details state that Ste. Rose RCMP responded to a call of a deceased 41-year-old male on Road 84 West in the RM of McCreary at 10:10 this morning.

His injury looked to be self-inflicted.

At 10:40, officers received a wellness check on a 37-year-old female. The search for her led a nearby residence, and the finding of three dead individuals, a 66-year-old female, a 35-year-old male, and a 65-year-old male.

these deaths are being considered a homicide.

At 1:00 pm, the female was safely located and taken to hospital as a precaution.

all the victims are known to each other, and their deaths are considered related.

more information will be released as the investigation develops.


We've just received word of a large police presence in McCreary as part of an ongoing investigation.

Ste Rose du Lac RCMP, along with Major Crime Services and Forensic Identification Services, are on the scene at this time.

A recent update notes that their presence is in relation to homicides that took place near that community.

More information is to be released at 4:30.