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A Brand new firetruck is on order for the Roblin Fire Department, from funding from the provincial government.

Municipal and Northern Relations Minister Ian Bushie announced 585 thousand dollars for a brand new pumper truck, replacing the previous 33 year old model they currently have.

Minister Bushie was excited to announce this new truck, and also the fact that it will be built within the province of Manitoba.

Acres Industries, a company in Wawanesa will be putting this brand new truck together.

The Parkland Chamber of Commerce is set to hold their State of the District event on Tuesday.

It will start at 11:45 at the Watson Arts Centre, and will be a busy event, according to Parkland CHamber executive director Stephen Chychota.

"A few years ago we wanted to create this platform where we can let the region speak for itself in a way that gets the municipalities to come together to share ideas and collaborate, and then bring in the business community all at the same time and bring in that level of networking.  But also give them that opportunity to share what is going on in their communities."

Representatives from the Municipalities of Ste Rose, Gilbert Plains, and Grandview, as well as from the RM of Dauphin, are slated to speak on Tuesday.

"The model of the State of the District is that it travels\.  Last year it was in Ste. Rose, we have held it in the past in Winnipegosis and Grandview.  So it does go all over the place because we are not just focused only on Dauphin.  But the event does come back here every other year so that it is why it is Dauphin this year."

There will also be some announccements being made by the local Tim Horton's, as well as Fusion Credit Union and Rural Manitoba Economic Development. 

Tickets are available for chamber and non-chamber members through the chamber's website

If you have yet to purchase tickets for the Neepawa and District Medical Committee Farm and Leisure Lotto, then you may want to do so soon.

Organizers announced today that their 3-packs of tickets have now sold out, and only single tickets at a cost of $100 remain. 

They are available online at or by calling 1-877-876-8555. 

50/50 tickets are also still available, with the pot for that sitting at just over 79 thousand dollars, with the winner getting half of the final amount. 

The ticket deadline is April 27th at 7 pm, with the draws set to take place on April 29th.

A local Chain Restaurant recent received a renovation, and this weekend, they're looking to celebrate.

The McDonalds on main street south has a brand new interior and kitchen, and They'll be holding a weekend of special deals and giveaways.

dollar coffee, 2 dollar cheese burgers, and three dollar shakes are all going to be served up, and 3 lucky customers could win free coffee for a year.

so stop in, say hi, and check out the new renos!

The provincial government has announced plans to invest $309.5 million dollars towards recruiting, retaining, and training healthcare workers in Manitoba - with a particular focus on hiring 100 new doctors within a year.

In making the announcement in Winnipeg on Thursday, Premier Wab Kinew added there would also be increases in funding for physician recruitment, and medical residency spots by 38 per cent. 

The announcement is part of a promise made in the 2024 budget to hire a total of 1,000 new healthcare workers this year.

The province says hiring physicians is one part of its strategy to improve the overall healthcare system by retaining, recruiting and training more workers with new training seats, streamlined licensing for internationally educated healthcare workers, and community recruitment.

Constructing along Main Street South continues it's progress, even if it's a bit muddy after the thaw.

The city announced that next Tuesday, the 16th the existing east service road will be undergoing reconstruction.

Business access will still be maintained, but it may have some detours and flag people in place at times.

To keep track of this major road work project,  be sure to visit The Dauphin City Website.

If you have come across a road or highway in Manitoba that is in dire need of some TLC, then CAA Manitoba wants to hear from you. 

Friday night at 11:59 is the deadline to nominate or vote for a road in CAA's Worst Roads campaign.

After the deadline, CAA Manitoba will compile lists of the top 10 worst roads in the province, as well as regional lists. 

They will then take those results to elected officials, policy-makers, and staff to better inform them of priority areas for Manitobans. 

Their hope is to inspire the government to prioritize road infrastructure and dedicate funding towards the roads features on those lists. 

To nominate a road or highway, you can go to

At the Dauphin courthouse on Tuesday, a 50-year-old woman charged in connection with a pair of assaults in the south end of the city in March of last year had a new date set,

Kathleen Flatfoot remains in custody until her next court appearance on May 14th.

Meanwhile, another of the suspects in a New Year's Eve assault and armed robbery on the Ebb & Flow First Nation was also back in court.

27-year-old Braden Moar was remanded back into custody until his next scheduled appearance on April 23rd. 

The province has announced that it is freezing provincial park fees for the upcoming camping season.

In making the announcement, provincial Environment and Climate Change Minister Tracy Schmidt says the government is focused on keeping parks affordable and accessible for all Manitoba families. 

The government also announced that they will be offering free entry into Manitoba provincial parks several times over the summer,, meaning visitors will not need to purchase vehicle permits.

Those times include June 7th to 9th, the week of July 15th to 21st, and the Labour Day long weekend,

Camping reservations for provincial parks opened earlier this week, and today is the first day that you can book campsites in Parkland area parks such as Rainbow Beackm Manipogo, Asessippi, as well as within the Duck Mountains at spots like Blue Lakes, Childs Lake, and Wellman Lake. 

Reservations can be made online at or by calling the toll-free line at 1-888-482-2267. 

The recent NDP budget has looked to fulfill campaign promises when it comes to growing the economy and supporting health care.

CKDM caught up with Dauphin's MLA and Manitoba's Ag Minister Ron Kostyshyn to see what's in store for Dauphin, and the agricultural sectors.

"As we all know, agriculture is 9% of our GDP, and we need to keep increasing that. today, we're working with producers and industry as far as added value for business and opportunities" 

The Minister highlighted several increases in the lending through MASC that supports producers across the province.

"Through MASC offices, we're increasing the young farmer rebate from $20,000 to $30,000 and increasing the eligibility of loan amounts from $200,000 to $300,000."

Other aspects that are being supported include the continued support of Crown Lands cases, opening 2 rural MASC locations, and a few other details that support life in rural areas and Dauphin specifically.

Minister Kostyshyn also spoke on the investments that are being put towards the Dauphin Justice Center which was a campaign promise, as well as increases in rural health care.

"In our budget, we've now indicated that the justice facility will be moving forward with moving into the engineering concepts and blueprints and the studies to make the justice facility that was proposed"

If you're seeking to review the full 2024 budget, you can find it all on the Manitoba Government Website.

A stolen vehicle out of Swan River has led to arrests with numerous charges.

On April 4, 2024, at approximately 9:40 am, Swan River RCMP received a report of a stolen vehicle from Swan River. A suspect was reported to have entered a home, stolen keys, and then stole the homeowner's vehicle.

The vehicle was seen on Valley Road at Highway 10, but refused to stop for police. The vehicle was later brought to a halt by a spike strip further down Highway 10.

two passengers were arrested and charged. the driver, 32-year-old Trisha Cook, has been charged with Breaking and entering, Theft of a Truck, two counts of flight from an officer, and driving under the influence to name some of the 8 charges and several tickets.

a 33 year old male passenger was also arrested and received just a single count of Possessions of Property obtained by crime.

The Swan River RCMP Continues to investigate.