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Norman Brass, of Swan River, appeared in court on Wednesday facing charges of Manslaughter.

On February 18, RCMP found a 36-year-old man deceased in a home in Swan River.

Brass has been remanded into custody until his next court appearance, which is June 20.

A jury has found Regan Carlson, Raymond Bonser and Robert Laba guilty of manslaughter in the death of Garnett Baptiste from Ebb and Flow First Nation.

After an eight-day trial in Brandon Court of Queen’s Bench, the verdict came in last night, just before 7:00.

All three of the accused originally pleaded not guilty to manslaughter.

The incident took place in September 2015, where Baptiste was found injured in the parking lot of the Carberry Motor Inn.

He was pronounced deceased upon arrival at the hospital.

Randy Oudie made another court appearance in Rossburn Provincial Court on Wednesday.

Oudie, from Dauphin, was arrested for posting a picture of a handgun to social media.

The incident took place on March 14 and RCMP received a report of someone in Rossburn Collegiate posting a photo of a weapon, which placed the school in a lockdown.

Oudie was arrested near the school and a C02 powered replica pistol and ammunition were found on him.

He’s to appear in court on June 20.

The must-see movie Indian Horse will be in Dauphin for one more time only.

DRCSS teacher, Wade Houle has chosen the book for his students to read, ever since it was released in 2014.

When he found out the movie was available for schools to have viewings, he got an application in as soon as he could.

On Saturday, the film will be played in the multi-purpose room at the DRCSS.

The film portrays a young Indigenous man, Saul, who was taken to residential school, suffered abuse, learned the sport of hockey as a means of escape and suffered addictions.

The book isn’t based on one true story, but a series of different experiences by many.

Wade Houle, teacher at the DRCSS, wants people to come out and see the movie.

“Well first off, I think the movie needs to be seen. It’s a great film, regardless of the subject matter, but the subject matter is relevant, it’s important.  It affects our community on a daily basis, whether people know it or not.  It affects students in my school; it affects families that I deal with, so just having some of that knowledge and of course talking about some of that truth, I think that’s what I want people to get the most out of it.  Come out, be open minded and be willing to ask good questions in a safe environment, in a safe way and watch a really, really good movie.”

The film costs $2.00, starts at 6:30 in the evening and everyone is welcome.

Riding Mountain National Park is advising visitors that Highway 19 from Lake Katherine to the Escarpment Lookout is temporarily closed due to unusual spring conditions.

Rolling River Road is also temporarily closed.

Closure gates are in use and the park will advise when the closure is lifted.

Kelvin Shepherd, CEO and President of Manitoba Hydro is speaking out against the supposed deal between the MMF and hydro, by stating it was never a done deal.

He told a legislative committee yesterday that there was no signed contract with the MMF and it wasn’t legally binding.

The groundwork was in the process, but it was never legally written or signed.

A spokesperson for the province has told the media, the province supports and agrees with Shepherd’s claim.

Tanis Cote, 27-years-old from Waywayseecappo First Nation, appeared in Minnedosa Provincial Court on Tuesday regarding a fatal two-vehicle collision near Elphinstone.

In August of last year, Cote was driving intoxicated, failed to stop at an intersection and struck an SUV, killing a passenger and sending the rest to hospital with serious injuries.

She pleaded guilty to Driving While Over .08 Causing Death and Driving While Over .08 Causing Bodily Harm.

Cote will appear in court again on June 19 for sentencing.

Earl Moar appeared in Provincial Court on Tuesday, in connection with the arson and death of a 40-year-old woman.

On January 7, RCMP found a home on fire and a reported victim of assault was unaccounted for, and was later found deceased inside the residence.

Moar has been charged with Manslaughter and Arson with Disregard for Human Life.

His case has been remanded until May 28.

A former Yorkton gynecologist, Mohammed Haque, was found guilty of 4 counts of sexual assault against former patients.

In an investigation stemming back to 2001, he was originally charged with 16 counts of sexual assault.

However the Yorkton Court of Queen’s Bench found him not guilty of 12 of those counts.

In 2013, he surrendered his medical licence when the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan charged him with unprofessional conduct.

His sentencing will be on June 22.

Bill 29, otherwise known as the Wildlife Amendment Act, is being introduced by the province.

The basis of the bill is to create a safer and more ethical hunting environment.

The provincial government consulted with First Nations and Metis communities on the changes.

Rochelle Squires, Minister of Sustainable Development, explains the reaction to the use of spotlights during night hunting.

“It’s certainly divided. There are some members who do not believe in the practice of blinding an animal in the dead of night and killing it because it’s an easy target.  They do not believe in that practice and they do not want to see that practice continue.  There are others who certainly do want to ensure that their rights are not eroded and I want to be very clear that our government take Indigenous rights very seriously.  We have done extensive consultations and we’re going to be working with them on an ongoing collaborative process with our Indigenous leaders because we do believe that collaboration is the way to go to get the results we need.”

The bill introduces the use of permits to allow Indigenous people in the south to hunt at night and those in the north would not need a permit.

Night hunting is prohibited to those who don’t have treaty or first nation hunting rights.

Gilbert Plains is going ahead with their initial plan to renovate the existing hall at a quoted price of approximately $1.1 million dollars.

The question of whether to go ahead or not, was asked of Council to decide after hearing what residents had to say at the public meeting last night.

Councillor Dwayne Sydor was opposed to the decision and he tells us his concerns.

“Well when we met two year ago, we were told at time that the renovations would cost $750,000. We got a grant based off of those numbers of $750,000.  The municipality had a quarter of a million dollars and we applied for a $500,000 grant; $250,000 from the feds and $250,000 from the province. When we got the bids in for the quotes, it came in anywhere from $1.1 million to $1.6 million dollars; nowhere near the $750,000 that was quoted. We are approximately, if my math is correct, 46 percent over budget currently and we have yet to start the project.”

And he gives us his reason for voting against it.

“Just where does it end? I don’t see the money stopping.  We’re renovating a very old building and I think it’s going to cost to repair a lot more and even more than that going forward."

Although Sydor is opposed to this plan, he does feel the community needs a hall.

Reeve Blake Price is relieved the committee can move forward before they lose the grant money and tells us the next steps.

“Now we have to work things out with the contractor. We have to get a contract in place.  There are a few issues, I guess, that we have to get covered off in that contract so that we can move ahead without putting the ratepayers in some jeopardy over this project.”

The project must be completed before March 2019 to prevent the risk of losing a $500,000