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Dauphin student, Anna Orisko, is proving that anyone at any age can raise funds for Dauphin’s Habitat For Humanity’s second build.

She has been hard at work getting the message out of what Habitat does for the community.

“So right now we just started our youth program. I’m getting kids from the middle school; I don’t want to ask kids for money, I just really want to have them learn about Habitat for Humanity. So we are going to go around to all the elementary schools in Dauphin and just kind of spread the word.”

Orisko spoke at last night’s Habitat for Humanity fundraising kickoff event at the Watson Art Centre.

Dr. Murray Davies, a physician in Kamsack, Saskatchewan, has been charged with improperly prescribing opioids and benzodiazepines to patients.

Other physicians were concerned some of these patients were selling or giving these drugs out to other people.

Dr. Davies is facing two charges of unprofessional conduct under The Medical Profession Act.

In 2014, he also lost the ability to prescribe methadone to patients.

The Dauphin Chapter of Habitat For Humanity officially kicked off their fundraising campaign.

The group began fundraising last night to raise money for the second build.

Fundraising committee member, Wayne Olson, is excited about the big donation the group received in support of their $250,000 goal.

“One of the things tonight that we wanted to showcase was that Rotary just gave us a cheque for $10,000 that will go towards the build. We are going to be out in the community and we’re going to ask people to help us help a family in the community.”

Rotarian Kathy Bellemare attended the event last night and says Rotary thinks it’s important to help give a hand-up to members of our community.

“We believe that all members of the community are important. This provides us an opportunity to give someone an opportunity to own a home and that’s really powerful.”

Habitat is holding fundraising events throughout the community until they’re able to raise the required amount of funds to begin construction.

Gilbert Plains is holding a fundraiser for their Splash Park.

The gala is on Thursday starting at 5 and will include a supper, auctions and games at the Gilbert Plains Community Hall.

Cory Gulenchin, Vice President of the Gilbert Plains Splash Park Initiative, explains what the auction entails.

“We put a little bit of a touch on this one, our local meat-cutter in town, Nick, has made us up different types of kielbasa. We’re going to be auctioning rings of kielbasa, and when you purchase the ring for a certain price, you will be entered into a draw where you’ll be getting something a lot bigger than that.”

For tickets, contact Cory at 648 4747 or visit their Facebook page.

Grandview Municipality has turned the water back on as of 8:10 p.m. this evening.  The water was turned off to repair a major water break.

Potential cutbacks to international student medical coverage by the province, could impact Mountain View School Division’s program.

Bart Michaleski, Secretary/Treasurer for MVSD, explains the concern:

“We’re lacking some information, currently, on that but we set a fee schedule annually for our students that are coming for the next school year. We already accepted a number of students for the next school year and we accepted them based on our approved fee structure.  Within that fee structure, we have a small premium that international students pay for health and that’s something that’s obviously likely to change.”

Each student pays on average, about $20,000 for the school year to attend.

The program has brought cultural diversity as well as provided an economic benefit to the area.

On average, with the program, the Parkland has seen $850,000 annually with 40% of that going to the division and the rest to the area.

The future of the Conservation District Program is the topic of a meeting in Dauphin this afternoon.

The province intends to modernize the current model.

Provincial, municipal and conservation district representatives will discuss the proposed plan to evolve the system into watershed districts over the next couple of years.

The Provincial government is holding five meetings across the province to gather ideas and feedback from stake holders.

The meeting is taking place at the Lion’s Den at the Rec Complex this afternoon at 1:00.

Reports claim the Premier has made an accusation against the former Manitoba Hydro Board.

Today the board submitted their official resignation because of the Premier’s lack in working with them.

The Premier claims the board wanted to offer the Manitoba Metis Federation $70 Million dollars.

The offer was to make the transaction of putting a transmission line between Manitoba and Minnesota go smoother.

The next edition of the Chambers Breakfast Series is tomorrow.

This session is with Steve Langston, from Dirty T Shirt Productions, discussing e-commerce.

Chamber Executive Director, Stephen Chychota, explains what people will take from the presentation:

“The biggest takeaway from the session that a business can gain from this is they're going to learn how to have that presence online. Take your current customers out there and turning them into purchases and then into fans. It’s not just about making that sale, it’s about getting that repeat and building that culture.”

The session is from 7-8:30 in the morning at the Super 8 in Dauphin.

The Manitoba Hydro – Electric Board officially resigned today.

The board submitted their resignation to the Minister of Crown Services, Cliff Cullen.

After several attempts to meet with the Premier to discuss the finances and governance of the crown corporation, with no success, they are calling it quits.

The province stated they had intended to remove the Chair of the Board, leaving members feeling they needed to resign as well.

People in St. Boniface were asked to stay inside their homes this morning.

Winnipeg Police blocked off part of Marion Street.

Reports state there are officers on scene with tactical weapons and a battering ram.

A police spokesperson said the call came in at 8:30 this morning to assist a female in distress.