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The lack of a budget is a red flag for the Manitoba NDP who are concerned that Dauphin’s MRI machine is being delayed.

The NDP have found that only a down payment of the machine has been done, as of today, no other payments have been made.

Manitoba NDP leader Wab Kinew shares his concerns about the provincial government possibly delaying the installation.

“This is just another sign that the government continues to delay getting an MRI for Dauphin and they don’t have a good reason for it. The last time I spoke to CKDM about this they were burying a report and using that as a reason to not get the MRI installed. Now it turns out they are playing games with the budget and they haven’t even put the operating dollars in place to get this MRI and to get it operational. That’s a big concern.”

Kinew says any delay in the project hurts not only Dauphin but the surrounding area.

“I think first and foremost people in Dauphin should have an MRI so that you can have the best healthcare possible. But let’s not forget that this impacts other people in cities, towns and other regions. If somebody in Swan River, for instance, if they could travel to Dauphin for the MRI that would probably make their life a lot easier instead of having to drive to Winnipeg. Not to mention saving money for the health care system too." He continues, “So this just seems like another example of the government bringing about delays of the Dauphin MRI and the people who are going to be feeling the impact are folks in Dauphin and across the region.”

The lack of a budget isn’t the only concern the NDP have when it comes to Dauphin’s MRI machine.

Kinew says there have been delays for such a long time one staff member left and the health region hasn’t replaced the individual.

“What speaks even louder to me then the lack of a budget is the fact that the government committed to training health care workers in Dauphin to be able to operate the MRI. They had identified existing staff to do this. One of those staffers got so fed up with the wait that they actually left.” The health region has not found a replacement for the individual as of yet. He continues saying that with these delays the quality of healthcare in Dauphin and the Parkland is lesser because of it.

“So you have health care professionals in Dauphin who are leaving because of the government’s delays. I think that it speaks to the fact that the government is just playing games here. But also we see the impact is going to be lower quality health care. Lower quality health care because you may have to travel further and travel more frequently.”

“Also it looks like the professionals who are delivering the healthcare are being frustrated too.”

Dauphin’s MRI machine was expected to be installed by October of this year.

The Provincial Government says the project is fully funded, recruitment is ongoing, and the MRI is still expected to be installed by October. 

A small group of indigenous youth walking across Canada in memory of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls has reached Dauphin.

The Anishinaabek youth are walking from the Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation on the Bruce Peninsula.

“It’s never been done before. A Prayer Staff has never been carried across Canada in such a fashion. It’s done traditionally, so we’re in ceremony while we’re carrying the staff. We’re not allowed to stop, we’re not allowed to turn around or look behind us. We’re not allowed to carry it in the rain either, because traditional teachings we are given is that eagles don’t fly in the rain, they fly above it. We obviously can’t carry the staff above the clouds, right, so we have to stop when it’s raining. That’s kind of the reason we are still where we are. We’d probably be another 100 kilometers past where we are right now.”  

E Naad Maa Get (Branden Emmerson) and E Naad Maa Get and Niibin (Tianna Fillo), the principle Walkers, are members of the Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation. They left Nawash in December.

They were coming from Brandon where they met with the Brandon Bear Patrol keeping an eye on the vulnerable people in the community.

Their goal is to walk across the entire country from sea to sea to sea.

They could use more supporters and volunteers. Creedence says a relief car would be helpful because in cases like when they were going through Riding Mountain National Park they had trouble finding places to stop saying that would make their trip easier.

If anyone wants to come out and walk with them, show support, or donate they are more than welcome.

You can find the link to their Facebook page by clicking here

The RCMP made the largest seizure of Marihuana in Canada and it’s worth more than six million dollars.

 On July 22nd they stopped a transport truck east of Winnipeg to inspect its paperwork.

There were several discrepancies found. In an effort to resolve the errors, police opened the trailer to inspect its contents.

 Inside they found 925 pounds of vacuum packed pot along with 75 pounds of shatter, oils, and edibles hidden among legitimate food products.

The truck originated from BC and was heading for southern Ontario.

 This is the largest amount of pot seized in a traffic stop since 2015.

There have been no concrete plans for a cannabis shop in the Parkland when it becomes legal in October, but, you may not have to drive far to find some.

A Winnipeg based company is interested in opening up shop in Neepawa.

"They're looking for a retail outlet," said Adrian de Groot, Neepawa Mayor. "We're not sure if there are any others interested in opening up shop in Neepawa, but there is for sure one."

A cannabis shop is something Neepawa is likely open to welcoming with open arms.

"We're relatively open to it for sure," said de Groot. "Council has discussed it several times, and we haven't indicated that we're not willing to take a look at having a retail outlet here."

"It's not a unanimous vote right now, but it's enough to go forward in the process," he added. 

 Cannabis will officially become legal on October 17, which doesn't give both Neepawa, and the interested company much time to figure out the plan.

"Council has had a couple of conversations to determine what approach we'll take," said de Groot. "We've asked our administration to review our existing policies, procedures, zone by-laws and things like that to make sure they're aligned. So they'll be doing that over the course of the next couple months."

"Then, the plan is by the first or second meeting in September, we'll be able to move positively forward," he added. "We want to approach this positively, and we want to send the message that we're open for business."

The name of the company has yet to be named.

There is help for families struggling after the birth of a baby.

The Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba recently launched a new texting service for those who need help.

The program can help postpartum women who are struggling with depression.

The text service can be reached at 204-391-5983.

To learn more about postpartum depression and what some of the symptoms are click here.

The Net Zero house is moving this morning.

The move will start around 9 beginning at 610 Whitmore Avenue E.

Stephen Chychota, the Dauphin & District Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, says the move is exciting and that people should be aware of the house moving down the street.

“My understanding is that there is going to be some no parking along the route so that the street can be clear for the move early in the morning. People should probably watch out for that area. Be on the lookout for a giant house moving down the street, for one.” He continues,  “It should be no harm at all if people wanted to be a safe distance away and watch some of it take place.”

The move will take a couple of hours. The home will start its route at 610 Whitmore Avenue E, go north on Mountain Road, east on Kerr Avenue, north on Dorothy Street and then west on Edgar Avenue.

Dauphin’s street fair is less than a week away!

This year has a lot to check out on Main Street on August 2nd.

Stephen Chychota, the Dauphin & District Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, says preparations are going well.

“Really good. I think we’re well ahead at the moment, just putting the last minute touches because we are a week away. We’ve got more vendors than ever before. It’s expected that we are going to have a really great time. Great selection for everyone, especially the food. We’ve got some new food vendors out this year that should really please the crowd.”

Volunteers are still needed for the street fair. Chychota says there’s lots of things people can help out with.

“At the moment if anybody has some time and wants to put in a couple hours, that’s all we’re really asking for is there’s two hour stations throughout the day if they want to help out they can. That would be great.” He continues, “We have a series of jobs throughout the day that not a lot of physical labour so anybody with any level of physical ability can take on a task.”

If you want to help out, you can give Chychota a call at the chamber office.

Manitoba's RCMP is warning of an online extortion scam using actual passwords of victims.

Police received reports of cyber-extortion where an email says the suspects have infected the victim’s computer with a virus that allows them to control the user’s webcam.

The suspect threatens to release a video of the victim taken while they were watching pornography to the victim’s contact list. If the victim pays a certain amount in Bitcoin, then the suspect will not release the video. In reality, the scammers don’t have any video of the victim.

Police say the scam has been around for a while but the use of actual passwords is bringing some new attention to the scam. There are a number of ways the suspect could have gained access to passwords including data breaches and hacking.

It is recommended people change all passwords regularly to protect themselves from any type of hacking or scam. The web resource is a great way to check if your data has been breached.

If you received this email or any similar emails, the RCMP ask that you do not pay and make sure you report it to the police.

Scam email

The stolen truck which belongs to Reit-Syd Equipment has been recovered.
It was found a kilometer west of Highway 5 on road 98 west and 1 kilometer south near the hill that leads to Big Valley.
The truck was found, although the Black H+H tandem trailer is still missing.
The theft occurred early in the morning on Monday and if anyone has any information about the missing trailer, please contact Reit-Syd Equipment at 204-638-6443, or the local RCMP Detachment at 204-622-5020.
Image credit goes to Damien McEvoy Plumbing.

Some people around Dauphin are concerned that the water in their homes tastes like mold.

Public Works Director Bill Brenner says this is normal for this time of year.

Dauphin’s water supply comes from a surface water treatment plant coming from the park.

“We’re treating water that’s coming out of the park so we will have issues with taste and odor. We can control it somewhat with our water treatment processes. We are attempting to do that. There is nothing wrong with the water. The water is perfectly safe, it’s tested every day and meets provincial and federal requirements for drinking water.”

Brenner continues, “It only seems to be happening in certain areas. So it may be in areas that there’s not a large amount of water usage and the water may be sitting longer in the pipes.”

He gives those customers who are noticing a different taste some tips on how they can help fix the problem quicker.

“If people flush their lines, they will probably be able to get rid of that smell and that taste that way.

Rain and leaves enter into the water supply every once and a while that cases of changes to the taste and odor, but the city has made some adjustments and things should get back to normal.

Incumbent Perry Bellegarde was elected to a second term as national chief of the Assembly of First Nations.

He won on the second ballot.

Sheila North of Manitoba finished second with 125 votes while another Manitoban, Katherine Whitecloud, was eliminated in the first round for having the fewest number of votes

The results of the final ballot:

Perry Bellegarde — 328
Sheila North (from Manitoba) — 125
Miles Richardson — 59
Russ Diabo — 10