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Dauphin’s Safeway is facing a potential strike, as early as March 18.

Local store employees will be participating in a strike vote meeting in the last week of February.

Jeff Traeger, President of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 832, talks about the bargaining process so far:

“Originally, we started the bargaining process on December 7 and 8, and those dates were cancelled by the employer. We had four days scheduled for January 15 and the employer came in on the first day and tabled what I would only describe as massive concessions that would affect wages, the benefits plan, the dental plan, vacations, and premiums.  Pretty much anywhere there was any money in the agreement, the employer was looking to roll it back and make savings.”

The concessions will impact approximately 100 Dauphin Safeway store employees.

An Extreme Cold Warning has been issued for part of the Parkland.

Affected by the Warning are the Dauphin, Russell, Roblin, Winnipegosis, and surrounding areas.

Dauphin will see temperatures in the minus 40's this morning, along with winds gusting up to 70 km/hr.

The cold snap is expected to end on Sunday.

UPDATE: As of 10:31, the extreme cold warning has ended.


7 women have now spoken out against former Dauphin MLA Stan Struthers, for inappropriate tickling and harassment.

The incidents were reported to the NDP party back in 2010 and 2015, and nothing was done.

Manitoba NDP Leader Wab Kinew talks about the role of women in changing the culture:

“We also want to have more women run for our party in the future, and I think that’s really important, because in order to change the culture in politics and in the environment, we need more women in positions of leadership.”

Kinew has called on stronger party policies and an investigation into the incidents.

Mandatory livestock inspections in Manitoba is an issue at the Manitoba Beef Producers AGM.

Yesterday a resolution was put forward to recommend that MBP lobby the provincial government to implement mandatory livestock inspections.

 General Manager Brian Lemon says the issue has been coming up for many years:

“It’s a program that’s available in Saskatchewan. It’s a program that’s available in Alberta. We already have Saskatchewan livestock inspectors present at a number of auction marts in the western part of Manitoba, inspecting on behalf of Saskatchewan cattle heading that way.”

Lemon also says: 

“In a lot of ways it’s going to align us with what’s going on in some of the other provinces we deal with. It’s going to be interesting to see where it goes.”

By a vote of 45-42 members of MBP voted in favour of the resolution.

A local fisheries concern has prompted the Manitoba Metis Federation to call an Emergency Fisheries Meeting.

Four Interlake fisheries are out almost $1 million dollars, after an open market deal went sour.

David Chartrand, MMF President, elaborates on the situation:

“You start looking at, in the overall concept, where there’s potentially over a million dollars unpaid on accounts, sitting for fishers to collect; agents, who are selling fish on their behalf, now claiming they also didn’t get paid from buyers in the United States, and that’s where most of the product was being shipped, and leaving fishers at a loss.”

The meeting is on Tuesday in Winnipeg, and to register, call 204-586-8474.

The Manitoba government announced increased public school funding today.

The province will invest 1.3 billion dollars in school divisions for the 2018-19 school year.

This is an increase of 6.6 million dollars, however there will be a 15% reduction in administration costs.

Education financing will be examined in further detail in early 2019, when the province will be reviewing the kindergarten to grade 12 education system.

The success of the beef industry is the focus of this year’s Manitoba Beef Producers Annual General Meeting.

It’s taking place today and tomorrow in Brandon.

President Ben Fox talks about some of the big issues that are going to come up at the meeting:

“There’s resolutions dealing with livestock inspection, we’ve heard a lot of comments, both positive and a few negative. There’s some resolutions on use of animal products in certain situations for baiting bears, and things like that, that will be interesting.”

With the theme of Building Our Future, this year’s AGM is focused on helping producers improve and expand their operations.

The RM of Dauphin has hired a new Chief Administrative Officer.

Robin Wiebe will be bringing six years of experience as a CAO, and prior experience in the accounting field.

Wiebe will be working alongside the present CAO, Laura Murray, for a few months prior to Murray’s retirement.

The city of Dauphin has announced a road closure for today:

3rd Street SW, between 5th Ave SW and 6th Ave SW (in front of the Personal Care Home), will be closed to all traffic to repair a water main break.

Be prepared to detour.

Recent allegations of inappropriate tickling were made against a former MLA.

Five women came forward stating former Finance Minster Stan Struthers harassed them for years.

Complaints were issued to NDP brass back in 2010 and 2015, yet the party failed to act.

Struthers issued an apology to the women.

The community of Roblin is supporting their local pharmacy and speaking out.

A petition is at Mitchell’s Drug Store to show support, after the loss of a pharmaceutical contract to provide services at the local personal care home.

Co-owner and operator of Mitchell’s Drug Store, Sean Keehler, explains the main concern with the contract:

“The biggest impact is going to be the timeliness they can get medication to the care home.  Last week alone, we took deliveries to the care home on eight different occasions throughout the week.  The contract, I believe, with MediSystems, is they will deliver once a week and they will promise overnight service, but I believe that is going to be an extra cost to the care home, from what I understand, but I haven’t seen the contract, so this is just what I understand is happening.

People can sign the petition up until Wednesday.