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Two mayors faced off to see which one of their former residents, now turned NHL coaches, would be taking home the Stanley Cup.

Dowhan made a bet with the Mayor of Summerside, PEI, Bill Martin over which of one of the team’s coaches would be a part of winning the big game.

Mayor Dowhan’s proud to say a former Dauphin resident’s name will be on the Stanley Cup.

“First of all congratulations to the Washington Capitals and to their coach Barry Trotz and the whole team on winning the Stanley Cup. It was good to see somebody with a Dauphin connection’s name on the Stanley Cup.”

Martin called Dowhan this past Friday, to acknowledge he lost the bet and the two were going over schedules to plan when Dowhan will take the trip.

This will be the third time Dowhan has been to Summerside and he’s looking forward to the trip.

There’s a slight joke between the two mayors, that if Dowhan brings his golf clubs, maybe Martin can win some money back.

The details of the trip haven’t been finalized yet but will be very soon.

Manitoba Hydro is making an effort to save hawks from being electrocuted by poles and prevent power outages in the Interlake region.

They’ve built dozens of platforms next to transmission poles for the nesting osprey.

The birds tend to build nests on top of hydro poles and risk being electrocuted.

There’s also concern around the twigs in their nests creating power outages or even fires when they tie them on to the lines.

In an effort to keep plastic straws from winding up in bodies of water, A&W restaurants all over Canada are replacing them with biodegradable paper straws.

Paper straws will biodegrade when tossed out in three to six months and will usually last two to three hours in a beverage before breaking down.

Restaurants will start converting this August, and all of the A&W locations will be switched over by January 2019.

This will prevent approximately 82 million plastic straws from winding up in bodies of water and landfill sites yearly.

A storm warning and rainy weather didn't stop the Dauphin Relay For Life last night.

$27,600 was raised for the Canadian Cancer Society during the event at the Credit Union Place.

Organizers said the relay was a success and overall a great evening.

Want to learn how to reduce the amount of waste you throw out each week?

The Dauphin Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation is hosting a free composting workshop at the West-End Community Garden.

The event takes place on Saturday starting at 10:00 in the morning until noon.

Alison Moss, Community Liaison for the group, tells us what participants will learn about.

“Really we’ll start off with what we can do with our kitchen, garden and waste scraps. What can go in a composter and what cannot.  Then Patti Eilers, who leads these, actually has some plans for composters that you can build yourself.  She brought them last year and they were quite popular.  So it will be a mix and again I encourage people to come with their questions and if we can’t answer them at this site, then we’ll certainly endeavour to find answers.”

Participants are asked to bring a lawn chair and a non-perishable food item for the Dauphin Food Bank.

If it’s raining, the workshop will be moved to the Dauphin Friendship Centre.

To register call Alison at 622-3146.

The Lundar Fair continues today.

There’s a whole bunch of entertainment to check out this year at the fair located in the community south of Eriksdale.

Cynthia Wirgau, the Secretary-Treasurer for the Lundar Ag Society, is excited about all the new activities at the fair this year.

“We are hosting the Manitoba Simmental Association Summer Show, we do have the RCMP Hockey Speed Challenge and also they’ll have baseball for kids to check out who has the fastest pitch and slap shot. Big Daddy Taz will be performing Saturday afternoon on the free stage.”

A bunch of events and activities are back including the Miss Interlake Pageant, Home Living Exhibits, and free entertainment at the grandstand..

The fair runs until 6 today at the fairgrounds in Lundar with the crowing of Miss Interlake at 5:15.

70 students of the Assiniboine Community College Parkland Campus will be attending the Graduation Ceremony today.

In total, the campus located in Dauphin has 107 graduates this year.

Director of ACC Parkland Campus Gabe Mercier spoke to us about this year’s graduating class and lets us know some of the degrees that are being awarded.

“We will be doing the Comprehensive Healthcare Aid Program, which is very popular. We’ll also be doing the Business Administration. This year we are also graduating Level 4 Carpentry Journey Persons as well. Then we have all the mature high school diploma as well, which is very popular. We have Applied Counselling as well, which is a popular program that is 5 month, 2-year program that students take.”

 Mercier says this year there are 20 students that qualify for the Distinction Award.  Also at the award presentation dinner, individual program awards and scholarships will be handed out.

The Graduation Ceremony starts at 2 in the afternoon at Credit Union Place with a dinner and awards presentation beginning at 5. There is a pre-grad BBQ starting at 11:30.

Zach Zurba won the DRCSS’ attendance draw this afternoon.

He won a 2004 Chevy Avalanche truck.

There are five students who were also acknowledged for their perfect attendance.

They are;
• Rogan Crowhurst,
• Mervin Li,
• Kelsey Tarrant,
• Raif Tkatchuk,
• Brielle Maguet

It’s Bike Week in Dauphin and with that more people are cycling to work.

MPI wants to make rising your bike to work safer and recommends giving cyclists ‘room to breathe’.

That means vehicles need to leave one-meter between your car and a cyclist when passing them.

Other tips MPI has for drivers include;

  • After parking your vehicle look for cyclists before opening your door. Opening a car door into the path of a cyclist can lead to serious injuries,
  • When entering and exiting roadways and intersections, look down the sidewalks in both directions for cyclists. Remember, smaller bikes are allowed on sidewalks.

Other tips cyclists should know include;

  • Always follow the rules of the road, including stopping at traffic lights and stop signs. 3
  • Never pass stopped vehicles in the same lane or when stopped at an intersection because the driver might not see you and turn into your path.
  • Always ride on the roadway, unless your bicycle is small enough to legally ride on the sidewalk. Many cycling collisions occur when bicycles are coming off sidewalks at intersections or when crossing driveways.
  • Consider wearing reflective clothing, and use hand signals to alert motorists to your intentions.

Several Parkland communities are currently under a severe thunderstorm watch.

The communities of Gilbert Plains, Ashville, Grandview, Valley River, Winnipegosis, Fork River, Ethelbert, Roblin, , Russell, Binscarth, Sifton, Ochre River, Makinak, and Rorketon are under the watch.

Weather conditions are favourable for a storm to produce large hail, heavy rain and damaging winds.

A low pressure system is sliding east across the prairies and is predicted to trigger scattered thunderstorms from the afternoon into the evening.

We’ll keep you updated as it progresses.

Dauphin Derailleurs Cycle Club officially released the details of their Master Plan Trails Concept.

In front of a full crowd at the Countryfest Community Cinema last night, the trail plans were shown and explained.

 Brenda Gregory, the president of the club, spoke with us at the event about how much work was put into creating the trail plans.

“It was a lot of work but we contracted Alex to do that work. He’s the expert. We had ideas, he worked with us about terrain, because we started out in certain areas first, that didn’t work out with landowners. So we moved onto Plan B. So he has been working with us since October or November, so it’s already been 7 months of just planning.” 

Gregory also says the priority right now is the trails used for the Summer Games.

“The trails are primarily by the Selo site and near the entrance way around Riding Mountain National Park. The trail that we are focusing on is for the 2020 Summer Games which is going to be involving the stage at the Selo site and that area there downhill towards the gravel road where everyone comes into Countryfest.”

Alex Man, a Trail Designer with Scatliff-Miller-Murray, presented the plans at the event and gives us some detail about what riders can expect.

“We’re using the Selo Ukraina site. There are some amazing valleys and ridges we’re going to use. There’s existing trails out there, we’re going to revamp them to more modern style mountain bike trails. They will be usable for trail runners as well, bird watchers, or dog watchers. The other part, the trailhead facilities are going to be the water treatment plant near Highway 10.”

Phase one of the project is the top priority, which includes the Manitoba 2020 track.

Man expects the summer games trail will be complete a year before the games to let the track settle in.

Also at the event was the announcement the bike group had raised over 250 thousand dollars since they started working on creating the trail project and another announcement about phase 2 is coming in a couple weeks.

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