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Here is this week's Manitoba Crop Report for July 10th. 


Southwest Region

Normal to above normal temperatures were experienced during most of the week. Rainfall over the past week was spotty with isolated showers, amounts ranged from trace to 20 mm in the Birtle area. Moisture conditions are variable in the Southwest, areas in the Northern and Southwestern corners are in need of moisture. The Birtle and Decker regions were hit with hail which resulted in significant damage to crops and properties. MASC adjusters are already in the fields estimating loss.

Winter wheat and fall rye crops are filling and starting to turn. Spring cereal crops are progressing well and several producers have been applying fungicide to control leaf diseases and fusarium head blight. Fungicide application in cereals is about 60% complete.

Peas are flowering and early seeded peas are at the pod formation stage. Aphids are still under the threshold level.

Early seeded canola is in the 50 to 70% bloom stage. Later seeded canola is bolting. Producers are applying fungicides for sclerotinia in fields that are high risk.

Soybeans are in the V5 to V6 stage with early seeded soybeans starting to flower.

Corn and sunflowers are developing well with the warm weather.

Some early seeded flax is starting to bloom.

No major insect issues to date. Bertha counts are increasing but still well below the threshold level.

Several producers have taken advantage of the warm and dry conditions to get some haying done. Hay crops look to be average in most areas with newer stands doing better than older stands. Pastures are in need of rain in most areas. Dugouts are about 70% full.


Northwest Region

High temperatures this week brought in a few thunderstorms. A thunderstorm came through the region on Thursday evening with strong winds, sheet rain, and some localized hail. The Minitonas area received the strongest of the storm with some crops pushed down, along with broken trees. Rainfall varied in the region from no rain in the south part of the Swan Valley to 20 mm in the Northeast part of the Swan Valley. Approximately 20 mm of precipitation fell in the Roblin area. Soil moisture conditions have improved in The Pas, however they are still excessive with another 10 mm of rain on the weekend.

The high temperatures visibly advanced plant growth this week; however, crop development is behind average for this time of the season. Approximately 25% of the spring wheat crop entered the heading/flowering stage, while the remainder is in stem elongation. Although the fusarium head blight risk remains low for the area, some producers have applied fungicides. With 50% of canola reaching the flowering stage and 50% in the rosette, fungicide applications have started on canola. High daytime temperatures have been the main spraying challenge this week. Soybeans and fababeans are in the vegetative stage of growth. Peas continue to flower. Some buckwheat crops have started flowering. In The Pas weeds are flourishing due to difficulty accessing fields for herbicide applications.

Some Bertha Armyworm traps in the Benito/Durban area have had higher counts this week, however the cumulative count is not a concern as of yet.

Good forage harvesting progress was made this past week due to favorable weather. Early reports indicate alfalfa grass yielding 1.4-1.75 tons/acre. Alfalfa weevils are still present in much of the region. Pastures are in decent condition with some areas that would benefit from rain. Wet conditions remain in The Pas.


Central Region

Warmer temperatures have advanced crops and improved growth. Most of the region received trace amounts of rainfall; with a few locations in the southwest seeing up to 17 mm. Areas north of Portage la Prairie received 25 mm of rain. The wettest areas around Macgregor have dried up. Although a few areas have good to excess moisture, much of the region would benefit from a rain to aid in seed fill.

The majority of cereals are growing well. Surviving winter wheat fields are in the soft dough stage. Most spring wheat fields are flowering; some are in the milk stage. The majority of fungicide applications are complete. Post-anthesis nitrogen is being applied to a number of spring wheat fields. Minor lodging with localized heavy rains and wind has occurred, but fields have recovered. Stripe rust has been found in western areas. Oats are heading.

Canola fields range from bolting to podding, with flowering on the decline. Fields continue to be staged for sclerotinia fungicide timing; most applications will be done by week’s end. Bertha armyworm monitoring continues; numbers are increasing, but remain relatively low.

Colour and growth in corn has improved with the warmer temperatures, and fields are growing rapidly. Inter-row nitrogen applications and cultivation are complete. Most fields range from V8 to V13.

Flax is flowering; producers are scouting for pasmo. Iron deficiency chlorosis symptoms in flax have declined and affected fields have greened up. Peas have received fungicide applications, and podding has begun. Sunflowers are budding.

Potatoes are flowering, and fields are being irrigated.

Dramatic changes are noticeable in soybeans. Most crops have grown through iron deficiency chlorosis symptoms. Fields are flowering. Second herbicide applications are wrapping up in the less advanced crop. Root rots are being reported in soybeans.

Edible bean fields have also grown through iron deficiency chlorosis symptoms. Weed control is generally good. Buds have formed, flowers should be visible within the week, and fungicide applications will begin.

Forage growth in pastures and hayfields has improved. Yields are expected to be lower as stand height is shorter than normal; a function of earlier dry conditions and extended period of below normal temperatures, as well as winter injury. Haying continues. Rainfall and heat has allowed for good pasture grass growth.

1st cut alfalfa is estimated at 1.25 tonnes/acre; alfalfa/grass at 1.5 tonnes/acre. Second cut will be lower. Livestock water supply is adequate.


Eastern Region

Conditions were hot and humid throughout the Eastern region, with isolated showers and thunderstorms. Rainfall accumulation ranged from 2 to 15 mm. Soil moisture conditions on cropland across the region were rated as 100% adequate. Soil moisture conditions on hay and pasture land were rated at 90% adequate to 10% short.

Producers made significant spraying progress this week. With the exception of a few fields the second herbicide pass on soybeans, FHB fungicide application in cereals, and sclerotinia fungicide application in canola are complete.

Rapid growth was noted in corn and soybeans this week due to the warm temperatures. Corn is in the V6 to V8 stage. Most soybean fields are at the R1 and early R2 stage. Alleviation of IDC symptoms continued on many fields. Foliar and stem disease levels remain quite low but there have been a few fields where root rots have caused moderate to severe stand losses. Sunflowers are at early bud stage, R1 and R2. Spring wheat is in full flower. Canola is flowering, some fields at fungicide spray stage and some past spraying stage. The canola crops remains good to excellent but there are some fields that may be suffering from flower blast due to high temperatures at flowering time.

Low disease and insect pest levels continue to be observed.

Haying is in full swing with producers reporting that yields are not as good as last year. Fertilized hay field are producing about average yields, fields with hog manure are above average, while yields on native hay and unfertilized fields are poor. Livestock have plenty of grass with the timely rains in the past weeks. Flies are bothering livestock. Dairy producers are looking at starting 2nd cut alfalfa next week. First cut yield estimates are at 1.5 tonnes/acre for alfalfa and 2 tonnes/acre for grass/alfalfa mixes. The progress of the first cut of hay is estimated at 60% standing, 25% cut, and 15% baled/silaged. Hay fields and pasture are in 80% Good to 20% Fair condition. Availability of livestock water is rated as adequate.


Interlake Region

Warm temperatures and scattered showers were experienced throughout the Interlake last week. Rainfall amounts ranged from 2 to 16 mm. Arborg received the least amount at under 2 mm while Selkirk had 16.4 mm. Seasonal accumulation of Growing Degree Days (GDD) is approaching 100% of normal, while seasonal precipitation (since May 1) is 40 to 79% of normal.

Spraying continued throughout the week as producers applied fungicides to suppress FHB in spring wheat. Spring cereals range from boot stage to fully headed. Winter wheat and fall rye fields have finished flowering and most are in the milk stage.

Canola stage varies from bolting to 40 to 50% flowering. Although some staginess is evident, most fields are in great condition. Bertha armyworm larvae trap counts are quite low. With ample moisture and warm temperatures soybeans and corn are developed rapidly. Soybeans are growing out of iron deficiency chlorosis, helped by recent warm temperatures. Soybean stage varies from third to sixth trifoliate. Corn stage ranges from V10 to V12. Peas are podding; fields look very good. There are no serious insect problems.

Timothy seed fields have mostly all flowered. Alfalfa seed fields continue to flower and producers should complete the bee release this week.

Haying has been in full swing, hampered a bit by the scattered rains. Hay yields are close to normal due to cool spring enhancing grass growth, while alfalfa yield and quality is affected by alfalfa weevil damage. Native and grass hay yields continue to increase. Pastures have been holding out reasonably well. There is adequate water for livestock consumption.