The Dauphin Regional Comprehensive Secondary School handed out their Athletic Awards Thursday evening during their Extra Curricular & Academic Awards Night. Get a list of all the winners here!
Presented by: Mr. Graham
Presented by: Mr. Graham
Boys Singles - Johnathan Kohan
Boys Doubles - Steve Desroches & Riley Bertrand
Boys Doubles - Steve Desroches & Riley Bertrand
Presented by: Mr. Hannibal & Mr. Hlady
Top Rookie - Riley Vandepoele
Top Offensive Player - Will Hlady
Top Defensive Player - Braden Campbell
MVP - Will Hlady & Braden Campbell
Team Spirit - Dylan Ushkowski
Most Improved - Cole Ogg-Ritchot
Top Offensive Player - Will Hlady
Top Defensive Player - Braden Campbell
MVP - Will Hlady & Braden Campbell
Team Spirit - Dylan Ushkowski
Most Improved - Cole Ogg-Ritchot
Presented by: Mr. Walker
MVP - Samantha Love
Basket Making Machine - Shelby Mosioner
MVP - Avery Thacker
Most Improved - Azaliea Beaulieu-Jiggins
MVP - Avery Thacker
Most Improved - Azaliea Beaulieu-Jiggins
Presented by: Mr. Bernat
Most improved - Martin Nolan
Coaches Choice - Jason Kish
MVP - Braden Campbell
Coaches Choice - Jason Kish
MVP - Braden Campbell
BASKETBALL (Varsity Girls)
Presented: Mr. Fidierchuk
Top Defensive Player - Mandy-Jo Stratuliak
Top Offensive Player - Tatyana Jaddock
BASKETBALL (Varsity Boys)
Top Offensive Player - Tatyana Jaddock
BASKETBALL (Varsity Boys)
Presented by: Mr. Matskiw & Mrs. Genik
Rookie Of The Year - Alex Michaleski
Coaches Award - Jerry Flett
Coaches Award - Jerry Flett
Presented by: Mr. Wood
Top Male - Luke Michaleski
Top Female - Renee Desroches
Top Female - Renee Desroches
Presented by: Ms. Sochan
MVP - Mandy-Jo Stratuliak
Rookie of the Year - Avery Thacker
Top Pitcher - Aimee Fafard
Rookie of the Year - Avery Thacker
Top Pitcher - Aimee Fafard
Presented by: Mr. Desroches
MVPs - Steve Desroches, Jake Wiens, Riese Gaber & Jason Allard
Presented by: Mr. Helgeson
Top Scorer - Joshua Yaschyshyn
Top Defenseman - Dallas Jansen
Top Defensive Player - Theron Ash
Top Defenseman - Dallas Jansen
Top Defensive Player - Theron Ash
Physical Education Awards
Presented by: Mr. Graham
Physical Education 10F - Joel Firman, Cathrina Jacildo, Avery Thacker, Zackry Eiffert & Lawson Yates
Physical Education 20F - Bailey Cole, Allaura Eddie, Shelby Mosioner, Connor Dewar, Beatrice Fiola-Johnson, Mujtaba Khalid, Taz McKay, Hailey Ryz, Alex Michaleski, Daniel Thacker, McKenna Angus, Hannah Delaurier, Renee Desroches, Jessica Dutchak, Avery Grudeski, Taylor Helgeson & Morgan Percival.
Curling 11G – Lawson Yates
Curling 21G - Hanne Jensen & Sara Kohan
Presented by: Mr. Graham
Physical Education 10F - Joel Firman, Cathrina Jacildo, Avery Thacker, Zackry Eiffert & Lawson Yates
Physical Education 20F - Bailey Cole, Allaura Eddie, Shelby Mosioner, Connor Dewar, Beatrice Fiola-Johnson, Mujtaba Khalid, Taz McKay, Hailey Ryz, Alex Michaleski, Daniel Thacker, McKenna Angus, Hannah Delaurier, Renee Desroches, Jessica Dutchak, Avery Grudeski, Taylor Helgeson & Morgan Percival.
Curling 11G – Lawson Yates
Curling 21G - Hanne Jensen & Sara Kohan
RUGBY (Girls)
Presented by: Mr. Alf
Presented by: Mr. Alf
MVP - Monique Coffey
Top Rookie - Kylie Fayant
RUGBY (Boys)
Presented by: Mr. Alf
Top Rookie - Kylie Fayant
RUGBY (Boys)
Presented by: Mr. Alf
MVP - Garret Fletcher
Top Rookie - Brayden Tomchuk
SOCCER (Girls)
Presented by: Mr. Wesselius & Mrs. Agnew
Top Rookie - Brayden Tomchuk
SOCCER (Girls)
Presented by: Mr. Wesselius & Mrs. Agnew
Rookie of the Year - Tatyana Jaddock
MVP - Beatrice Fiola-Johnson
Coaches Choice - Brandi Duke
Presented by: Mr. Wesselius
Coaches Choice - Brandi Duke
Presented by: Mr. Wesselius
Top Offensive Player - Brendan Malowski
Top Defense Player - Sebastien O Rourke
Top Defense Player - Sebastien O Rourke
Presented by: Mrs. Merasty & Mr. Matskiw
Top Female - Beatrice Fiola-Johnson
Top Male - Zach Eiffert
Top Male - Zach Eiffert
Presented by: Mr. Dyck
Rookie Of The Year - Taylor DeLaMare
MVP - Lauren Kuzyk
Most Dedicated - Blaire DeLaMare
MVP - Lauren Kuzyk
Most Dedicated - Blaire DeLaMare
Presented by: Mr. Jaddock
MVP - Cathrina Jacildo
Most Improved - Emiley Thompson
Most Improved - Emiley Thompson
Presented by: Mr. Rea & Mr. Graham
MVP - Braden Campbell Darian Caruk
Most Improved - Martin Nolan
Coaches Award - Jayden Hutsal & Sean Rea
VOLLEYBALL (Varsity Girls)
Most Improved - Martin Nolan
Coaches Award - Jayden Hutsal & Sean Rea
VOLLEYBALL (Varsity Girls)
Presented by: Mr. Love
MVP - Jeanne Brenner
Rookie of the Year - Samantha Love & Rene Desroches
Rookie of the Year - Samantha Love & Rene Desroches
VOLLEYBALL (Varsity Boys)
Presented by: Mr. Schmidt
MVP - Ryan Luke Steven Desroches
Most Improved - Riley Clarkson
Coach’s Award - Jake Wiens
Most Improved - Riley Clarkson
Coach’s Award - Jake Wiens
Presented by: Mr. Love
JV Girls Runner Up - Sara Kohan
JV Girls Athlete of the Year - Renee Desroches
JV Boys Runner Up - Alex Michaleski
JV Boys Athlete of the Year - Braden Campbell
Varsity Girls Runner Up - Samantha Baran
Varsity Girls Athlete of the Year - Monique Coffey
JV Boys Athlete of the Year - Braden Campbell
Varsity Girls Runner Up - Samantha Baran
Varsity Girls Athlete of the Year - Monique Coffey
Varsity Boys Runner Up - Steve Desroches
Varsity Boys Athlete of the Year - Jake Wiens
Varsity Boys Athlete of the Year - Jake Wiens