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Seven swimmers in the Parkland that are a part of the Parkland Gators are getting set to head to the Manitoba Winter Games, but first, they will host a send-off tonight at the swimming pool at the Parkland Rec Complex.

"We want to show off our swimmers that will take part in the Games," said Diana Wilson, President of the Gators. "It's a great achievement for the swimmers, so we want to recognize them."

Anyone is welcome to attend tonight, and it kicks off at 7:00.

The Manitoba Winter Games start on March 4 in Thompson, and the swimming portion of the event takes place on March 7.

"We have really high expectations," said Wilson. "From a parents perspective, we want all the kids to enjoy the experience, and have fun. From the athlete's perspective, they want to win that gold medal."

All the swimming takes place at the Norplex Swimming Pool.