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2018 will be a year to remember for Neepawa's Darlene Gillies.

That's because she was awarded the 2018 UCT Volunteer of the Year Award.

UCT is the United Commercial Travellers of America, who provide community services, supports and plan charitable fundraisers on a volunteer basis.

Darlene received her award at the organization's convention in Savannah, GA earlier this month. 

"I always attend the convention, and I knew my name had been submitted... but it had been many times for the same award," said Gillies. "There are so many people across North America in our organization that do a lot of work."

"I had no idea that I would be selected for the Volunteer of the Year Award," added Gillies. "It's the highest UCT award you can win. It's really quite the honour that I won it."

Gillies first became a UCT member in 1990. Since then, she's been volunteering locally, nationally and internationally, and she shares some of her fondest moments as a part of UCT.

"Every other year, Neepawa host "Progress of Farm Safety Day", said Gillies. "We have approximately 200 grade 5 and 6 kids from Neepawa and Carberry that take part, and it's organized by Emergency Measures of Neepawa, but UCT supplies all of the food for the day."

"I was the coordinator with the EMS to make sure that day went well," she added. "So that's probably one of my favourite ones because if we can go towards preventing one accident or death, it's a great cause."

Darlene also volunteered for Palliative Care at the hospital and at the nursing home, and she became extremely close with one individual.

"A lady was in the hospital for 105 days, and I visited her very regularly before she passed," added Gillies. "I was able to create a bond with her and try to keep her at peace. Her spouse was also there, so it was nice that we all got the opportunity to spend an extended period of time together."

28 years have passed since Darlene became a member of the UCT, and that number is expected to grow.

"It just comes naturally to me," said Gillies. "I'm just a community volunteer."

"I don't plan on stopping anytime soon," added Gillies. "I'm not as active as I was probably 10 years ago, but I still plan on volunteering in the future absolutely."

Darlene also is the President at Neepawa Tire LTD.

One year later, and the family of a man who went missing in Duck Mountain Provincial Park is still on the search.

37-year-old Mark McKelvey disappeared while working in the park on July 24th last year. He was last seen at the Trisum logging camp where he was employed.

Those close to him still regularly return there to look for him, and most recently took a 10 day trip to the area a couple of weeks ago.

They plan to resume their search efforts later this summer.

Outdoor enthusiasts in Manitoba are being reminding to take steps to avoid conflict with bears after an eight-year-old girl was injured by one in Whisteshell Provincial Park over the weekend.

The province says in a news release that the girl was camping with her family on South Cross Lake on Saturday when a black bear swiped the tent she was in. 

The girl was treated and released from hospital with cuts to her face. The release says the family had taken many safety precautions including hanging food in a bear-proof barrel in a tree away from the campsite.

By viewing a one minute long YouTube video you can help the Macauley family win the ‘Most Road-Trippable Town in Canada’ Contest.

The family traveled from Portage to Dauphin going through Riding Mountain National Park.

Dawn Macauley hopes to come out on top with the most viewed video. She explains how Dauphin can benefit by getting the views.

She continues, “So basically, when you watch the video it goes by views and views count for votes. If we have the most views, or votes in this case, we win the Equinox. That would be cool.”

“The other thing is we would have a big party in Dauphin at the Chevy dealership.”

You can see the video by checking out the link here.

Property taxes in Dauphin are due in just over one week.

The City of Dauphin wants to remind residents and business owners that their taxes are due and payable in full by 4:30 in the afternoon on Tuesday, July 31st.

Sharla Griffiths, the Assistant CAO warns that Interest penalties will be added if there are unpaid property taxes.

“At the beginning of each month, thereafter, 1.25% will be added. So it’s good to pay your taxes by the due date so you don’t have to pay any interest."

Interest penalties will be applied on August 1st.

Griffiths also warns about paying with debit.

“Just a word of caution with using a debit card, ensure that the maximum amount available that you can use a debit card will cover the amount of taxes. Otherwise, you’ll have to go back to your bank.”

You can pay at City Hall through cash, cheque, or debit.

Three people in Winnipeg face multiple charges of attempted murder in connection with a pair of gun incidents last week.

Police say they responded to two incidents on Wednesday where guns were allegedly fired.

In one of the incidents, three people were taken to hospital with gunshot wounds.

Twenty-four-year-old Brad Wayne Baxter of Thunder Bay, Ontario, 21-year-old Kyal Alan Brown of Winnipeg, and 36-year-old Breanna Munro of Winnipeg also face a number of firearms charges.

Manitoba has closed two backcountry areas because of wildfires.

The province says a wildfire around Gammon River poses a potential risk to backcountry canoeists and people accessing the Bloodvein River Corridor in Atikaki Provincial Park.

A wildfire in Ontario, meanwhile, just east of Nopiming Provincial Park poses a potential risk to backcountry access east of Bird Lake.

The province says the closures will remain place until the fire risk has ended.

A mass shooting in Toronto last night ended with 13 people injured and two dead, including the suspected gunman.

Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders says the shooter was armed with a pistol and exchanged fire with police in the city's bustling Greektown neighbourhood.

The gunman died at the scene, but Saunders couldn't confirm whether he was hit by police gunfire or took his own life.

A woman was killed in the shooting, while a nine-year-old girl who was among the injured was rushed to a pediatric trauma centre in critical condition.

No names have been released and police say they're not ready to talk about a possible motive at this early point in the investigation

Yesterday's storm brought tornados through some areas of Manitoba

A major thunderstorm across the province led to a tornado touching down near Lake of the Prairies yesterday afternoon

The Waterspout stayed on the lake, and thankfully no inuries or damages have been reported

 Enviornment Canada is not aware of any other tornadoes in Manitoba yesterday,  but other parts of the province did get thunderstorms, some of which produced quarter sized hail. 

It passed by the Pyotts West Campground, located south of the community on the south shore of Lake of the Prairies.

Check out the video posted on their Facebook page. 

You can help one road tripping Manitoba family and Dauphin win a party.

The MaCauley family traveled to Dauphin as part of Chevrolet’s ‘Most Road Trippable Town in Canada’ contest. 

The family took a car provided by the company and traveled across Manitoba and shared their experience on Instagram and on YouTube.

According to Alyson Sametz, the marketing director for Dean Cooley GM in Dauphin says the family ended their big trip here in Dauphin.

A one-minute long video was produced that included all the experiences of their trip and now it’s part of the contest.

The family needs the most views on their video to win the contest.

You can find your way to their Instagram page and their YouTube video by clicking on the links. 

10 to 15 women have the chance to be empowered with business skills and develop employment experiences.

Dauphin Neighborhood Renewal Corporation’s Unity Project Women’s Maker Co-operative is a social enterprise to help women who face challenges.

Mary Myhre with Dauphin Neighborhood Renewal spoke with us about how the co-operate will help participants and how it’s set up.

“We’re planning a couple of sessions with a career coach who will speak with our participants about setting goals, building resumes and other inspiring topics.” She continues, “The project and the point of social enterprise is that it’s sustainable. We purchase the equipment; sell the products, generating enough income to buy more materials all the while developing skills, capacity, and wellbeing to our participants.”

The women will create artisan products and then take them to local sales, like the Christmas Craft Sale at the Watson Art Centre. At these sales they will get experience in marketing, making change, and customer service.

“We’re planning to empower women, combat social isolation, and build networks and skills. We want to have some local female business leaders come forward to offer mentorship and share their stories and experience in business.”

DNRC received $29,108 for the project from the Provincial government.