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The RM of Alonsa has implemented a fire ban effective immediately.

The ban was put in place after the fires within the RM last week, and is to prevent fires, including wildfires from occurring in the future.

For more information, you can call the RM at 767-2054.

60 new full-time paramedics are to be hired this fall, is what Health Minister Kelvin Goertzen promised yesterday in Brandon.

Approximately 24 of those positions will be hired for Prairie Mountain Health.

Then several hundred more are to be hired in the province over the coming years.

This will cost the provincial government $2.4 million and then crease to $5 million as more paramedics are hired.

The province will continue to go ahead with phasing out 23 low-call EMS stations and replacing them with five new regional sites.

Mountain View School Division is providing mental health supports to students is another strategic goal.

They’ve approved for staff to take Mental Health First Aid Training.

Leifa Misko, Board Trustee for MVSD, explains an acronym about the training.

“There’s an acronym they use, ALGAE. Basically its assess, listen, give reassurance, and encourage the young person or adult to get any necessary treatments or help they need.”

This training is not a hands on medical kind of training but rather a supportive kind.

Yesterday around 5:00 in the morning RMCP responded to an alarm at the Dauphin Manitoba Public Insurance.

Upon arrival, officers found a west facing window had been smashed and the window sill set on fire.

The fire was out as officers searched the interior and exterior of the building but due to smoke inside, stopped and called the fire department to ensure there was no fire elsewhere.

No injuries were reported and the investigation is on-going.

 The RM of Lakeshore would like to advise all residents to be aware of conditions along the south basin of Dauphin Lake.

With the high north winds overnight and continuing today, the ice has begun to move and is piling along the shores of Ochre Beach and Crescent Cove.

The municipality will continue to monitor conditions and will advise if the situation worsens.

Hot, dry conditions made it a busy weekend for the Dauphin Fire Department.

They responded to three grass fire calls on Saturday, a structural fire and another grass fire on Sunday.

Cam Abrey, Dauphin Fire Chief, noted the crew worked tirelessly to bring the first fire under control.

“There was actually three calls on Saturday., with the first one being turned in at approximately at 11:30 a.m., south of town, just across the highway from the Countryfest site. It was a grass fire that covered approximately a quarter section of land and was threatening a yard site at one point.  Firefighters worked tirelessly for several hours along with the property owners in order to bring that fire under control.

The second fire took place a couple of kilometres north off of Highway 20, shortly after the first fire and Mutual Aid had to be called in for assistance.

Later that afternoon, a third grass fire broke out by Stony Point.

It started back up again Sunday morning at approximately 5:30 in the morning when they department got a structural fire call on Industrial Road.

Then the fourth grass fire call for the weekend came in later on in the afternoon.

Abrey would like to remind the public, to refrain from burning when the winds are over 20 kilometres an hour. High winds and dry conditions make it extremely challenging to control and put fires out. 

Burning permits are free and can be obtained at the R.M. of Dauphin municipal office.

Currently there is no fire ban in effect.

Mental health issues impact each and every one of us.

The Parkland area is fortunate to have people and agencies working hard to deliver services in this area.

Eleanor Snitka, Parkland Outreach Manager with the Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba, was given a surprise at the annual Voices of Angels concert.

“Well it was a total surprise. I don’t do my job to get rewards or awards but we had two members from our provincial board attend our Voices of Angels concert and I was given and Outstanding Long Service Award.”

Snitka has been working with the association for 18 years.

As soon as the temperature reaches plus 4, ticks are out and about.

Ticks can carry a variety of diseases and should be removed right away.

Dr. Roxanne Neufeld, Veterinarian at the Dauphin Vet Clinic, explains how to remove a tick safely from your pet.

“Absolutely we do want to remove them, so if you are finding ticks on your pet, and they’ve not been given a tick product, then you want to grab the tick as close to the skin as you can and just gently pull them off. It’s preferable to wear gloves when you are doing it, and at the very least wash your hands with soap and water right after handling ticks.”

Neufeld also says they are seeing a few different varieties of ticks in the area such as the Lonestar Tick, but the Deer Tick is the most worrisome because it spreads Lyme Disease.

She suggests you don’t put ticks down the drain or destroy them with your bare hands, but rather put them in a container of alcohol to kill them.

Along with the usage of tick products for pets, Dr. Neufeld recommends people get their pets vaccinated for Lyme Disease, since it is hard to treat.

Minister for the Status of Women, Rochelle Squires, was part of an announcement concerning harassment, last week.

To prevent harassment or bullying in municipal and provincial levels of government, the province is calling on a change.

Minister Squires knows there are challenges at the municipal level.

“We know at the municipal level, there is certainly challenges that we need to address head on, so Minister Wharton and myself had announced that we will be holding consultations with our municipal partners and finding a way so that they too can have what we call the ‘no wrong door’ approach for elected officials who might be experiencing bullying or harassment or anyone who is working in municipal politics.”

Minister Squires feels there is no enough women in politics or as leaders. She is 60th woman to get elected to the Manitoba Legislature as compared to the nearly 800 men to be elected in the province’s history.

She notes this has to change and there are challenges for women to overcome.

“Women are just not coming into leadership positions at the rate we ought to in government at all levels. One of those reasons is because we have faced obstacles and barriers that need to be taken down.  We need to have a workplace that is conducive for women to express their opinion.”  

Discussions on how to prevent harassment and bullying will take place at District Meetings throughout the province, with one in Swan River on June 8.

Earlier this morning, an incediary device was thrown through a window of the Dauphin MPI offices.

No one was injured in the act of vandalism, however much of the centre suffered smoke damage. 

The offices will be closed tomorrow, in order to deal with cleaning up the damage done. 

Affected customers will be contacted, and the general public is reminded to wait untill at least Tuesday for general inquiries in person. 

CKDM will update this story when more information becomes available. 

Dauphin Fire Department responded to a grass fire that got out of control today just before noon in the R.M. of Dauphin not to far from the Sela Ukraina and Countryfest site.

The fire appears to be under control.

CDKM will provide updates when they become available.