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Week 20 of the Manitoba Crop Report saw a lot of rain throughout the week, slowing some seeding down, but not falling too far behind on the 5-year average.

Even the driest location in our area, Swan Valley, still saw 9 mm of rain, with Reedy Creek topping the chart at 67.8 mm.

Despite the rain, Provincial seeding progress is about 47% complete, slightly behind the 5-Year average of 52% for week 20.

Producers have focused on planting corn, which is 65% complete, cereals, at 70% complete and peas nearly done at 90% complete.

Canola planting has just started with roughly 20% of the acres planted.

Soil temperatures were adequately warm and the seeding of more sensitive crop types such as soybeans has begun, currently at 34% completion.

However, The Interlake region is behind other areas due to recent rains and sits at 30% complete.

Winter cereal fertilizer applications are complete with field survival at 85-95% and only a few fields terminated. Winter cereal stands are growing rapidly.

Spring wheat and barley are sitting at 77% complete across the province with the Central region being the most advanced at 85% complete. Early planted fields are in the 3 to 4 leaf stage.

Canola is about 1/5th complete, and Sunflowers are at 26% complete, but a slower start to oilseeds is noticeable from this moisture.

Field pea planting is at 90% completion across the province. The Interlake region however is only at 45% complete due to recent rains. Most of the pea acres in Manitoba are grown in the West and Northwest regions.

The rain was great news for livestock producers though, as Nearly all creeks, streams, dugouts, and sloughs have refilled to capacity.

Cattle feed levels hold for most producers, and many have put cows out to pasture to get them out of the muddy conditions.

Some cattle are being turned out to pasture where there is carryover forage or turned out with supplemental feed. More cattle will go out over the next 7 to 10 days. Producers want to ensure forage growth is adequate, 5-6” tall, before grazing.

As well, calving season is nearly wrapped up, but there's been an abundance of ticks, as well as the first few mosquitos. Both of which are sure to be a nuisance. 

In the Northwest Region, some seeding took place bumping our region to 40-45% complete. Field peas are nearly complete for seeding at 90% in our area, with some of the earliest planted fields emerging.

Precipitation came primarily in rain, but also in the form of hail in some areas. The highest accumulated precipitation amounts were in Reedy Creek and The Pas with 67 and 59mm, respectively.

Spring wheat seeding continues and is approximately 75% complete, and the earliest seeded wheat that has emerged, growing nicely.

Barley and oat seeding is approximately 30% complete. Canola seeding is 25% and soybean is 15% complete.

Winter wheat and fall rye crops are growing nicely, with a small amount of winterkill.

The weeds and volunteers are also growing though. Luckily, there have been some fair conditions for spraying Herbicides to help manage this issue.

This week should hopefully hold a little less rain so seeding can kick into high gear. Some cooler temperatures hopefully won't cause issues, as Thursday is forecasting 0 over night.

It was a busy weekend for Dauphin RCMP as they worked hard to keep the City Safe.

Over the May long weekend, Dauphin RCMP made 4 separate traffic stops, all of which resulted in the seizure of drugs and weapons.

On May 17, a traffic stop was initiated on Mountain Road. Two of the three occupants of the vehicle were found to have outstanding warrants.

The investigation led to the arrest of all three occupants and the seizure of methamphetamine, cocaine, a cutting agent, Tramadol pills, drug paraphernalia, and Canadian and American currency.

Leslie McKay, age 42, Robert Chartrand, age 46 (both from pine creek, and April Bull, age 28, of Dauphin were arrested and are facing charges of Possession of Drugs for Trafficking for both cocaine and methamphetamine and Possession of Property Obtained by Crime.

They were remanded in custody.

Another stop took place May 18th on Mountain Road, and  One of the passengers was found to be wanted.

The investigation led to the arrest of all the occupants and the seizure of methamphetamine, crack cocaine, Gabapentin pills, drug paraphernalia, and Canadian currency.

Brian Houle, age 39; Sherise Hunter, age 33; and a 45-year-old male, all from Ebb and Flow First Nation, were arrested and are facing charges of Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking for both crack cocaine and methamphetamine, and Possession of Property Obtained by Crime.

Hunter, who had a warrant, and Houle were both remanded while the 45-year-old male was released with a court date.

On May 19, 2024, at approximately 2:05 am, a traffic stop was initiated with two vehicles associated to each other on 2nd Street Southwest.

Investigation led to the arrest of all six occupants from both vehicles, and the seizure of a sawed-off rifle, an imitation handgun, methamphetamine, cocaine, a baton, and Canadian currency.

Four males, aged 16, 19, 32, and 38, and two females, aged 31 and 37, all of Swan River, are facing charges of Possession for Trafficking both cocaine and methamphetamine, Possession of Property Obtained by Crime, Possession of a Prohibited Firearm, and other weapons offenses.

All six individuals have been released with a court date.

And finally on May 19, 2024, at about 9:35 pm, a traffic stop was done Main Street.

Two males fled from the vehicle when it came to a stop. Officers located the two nearby and they were taken into custody.

A 25-year-old male from Dauphin was found in possession of cocaine, psilocybin, drug paraphernalia, and bear spray. He is facing charges of Possession for Trafficking both cocaine and psilocybin, Possession of Property Obtained by Crime, and Possession of a Weapon for a Dangerous Purpose.

A 15-year-old male from Dauphin was found to have bear spray. He is facing the charge of Possession of a Weapon for a Dangerous Purpose.

Both were released with court dates.

The total amount of drugs seized over the four traffic stops is more than 108 grams of cocaine, more than 105 grams of methamphetamine, and 30 grams of psilocybin.

Environment Canada meteorologists are tracking a severe thunderstorm.

This severe thunderstorm is moving east at 20 km/h, bringing lightning, high wind conditions, and up to nickel-sized hail.

Severe thunderstorm warnings are issued when imminent or occurring thunderstorms are likely to produce or are producing one or more of the following: large hail, damaging winds, and torrential rainfall.

This warning is in effect for the RMs of Dauphin, Sifton, Valley River, Gilbert Plains, and more.

Heavy downpours can cause flash floods and water pooling on roads.

Large hail can damage property and cause injury.

Strong wind gusts can toss loose objects, damage weak buildings, break branches off trees, and overturn large vehicles. Remember, severe thunderstorms can produce tornadoes.

Stay indoors, its going to be an intense storm.

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Earlier this year, CAA Manitoba asked residents to give their thoughts on what were the worst roads in the province.

On Wednesday, the organization will release this year's list of the 10 worst roads in the province, as well as the 5 worst roads within each region in Manitoba.

CAA Manitoba says this activity is a platform for Manitobans to help make our roads safer, by helping different levels of government understand which roadway improvements are important to citizens, and where those improvements should be happening.  

2024 is the 13th year for CAA's Worst Roads in Manitoba promotion. 

Some of the top High School Junior Rodeo athletes in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and North Dakota, will be in Gilbert Plains this weekend for the Intermountain High School Rodeo Association Junior Finals.

Courtney Roehl is the treasurer of the Gilbert Plains High School Rodeo Committee, and goes over some of the events that people will see during the three day competition.

"You will be able to watch everything from chute-dogging to barrel racing, pole bending, saddle steers, bronc riding, bull riding.  Basically everything you can see at a rodeo but with our up-and-coming kids."

Roehl says around 100 athletes will be taking part, adding there'll be a sizable economic impact to the Gilbert Plains area.

"We will have multiple families coming in, most of them will be arriving on Thursday night.  So we will definitely see some additional traffic in town and at our restaurants and gas stations.  It is a great event for our community to host."

This is the second year in a row that Gilbert Plains is hosting the High School Junior Finals.

The event is free to attend, and begins with a ceremony at 11 am on Friday, with rodeo performances set for Friday at noon, Saturday at 10 am and Sunday at 9 am.

It will take place at the Gilbert Plains rodeo grounds. 

A 29-year-old female from Dauphin has been charged with multiple offences after stealing a septic truck on Monday morning.

On Monday at about 9:20 a.m., Ste. Rose RCMP received a report that a female had stolen the truck from the Ebb and Flow First Nation and was last seen on Provincial Road 278. When officers saw the vehicle heading westbound on Highway 68 toward Ste. Rose, a traffic stop was initiated; however, the driver did not stop.

The truck was driving erratically and veered into the oncoming lane of traffic and several motorists were forced off the road. No collisions happened and no one was injured.

Once a spike belt was deployed, officers were able to stop the vehicle. The vehicle then went into the ditch and the female driver tried to flee on foot, but she was captured after a short foot pursuit. 

She has been charged with Theft of Motor Vehicle, Flight from Police, and Dangerous Driving. She has been released from custody and the septic truck was recovered by officials from the Ebb and Flow First Nation. 

Day passes for this year's edition of Rockin the Fields of Minnedosa go on sale as of Wednesday.

Tickets will be available online at , or by calling 1-888-330-8333.

This year's festival goes August 2nd to 4th.

The lineup is highlighted by Prism, Molly Hatchett and Kim Mitchell on the Friday, Econoline Crush and Theory of a Deadman on the Saturday, and the Trews, Colin James, and Amanda Marshall on the Sunday.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the festival. 

A provincial by-election will be held on June 18th in the Winnipeg riding of Tuxedo.

The seat is being vacated by former premier and PC Party leader Heather Stefanson, who announced that she was vacating the seat back on May 6th.

Stefanson won the seat in last October's election by about 300 votes, but announced her plans to step aside as party leader that same evening after the Tories lost power of the legislature to Wab Kinew's NDP. 

There are currently 34 New Democrats, 21 Progressive Conservatives, and one Liberal in the Manitoba legislature, along with the one vacant seat.

With the Manitoba Summer Games now less than 3 months away, organizers are hoping to paint the town in Games Gear leading up to the August 11th to 17th event.

This past Friday was the first Games Gear Friday in Dauphin, as businesses are encouraged to have their employees dress in gameswear on Fridays between now and the start of the event.

Host committee co-chair Carla Wolfenden says the next deadline to order games gear is May 27th, if you hope to have your gear by mid-June.

"We really encourage all businesses to order that stuff for their staff and maybe help them out or pay for it in full.  We just want to create that excitement around town and we thought that would be a great way to do it."

Wolfenden adds there is a great selection of clothing to choose from.

 "There is hoodies, crewnecks, t-shirts, golf shirts.  We are pretty sure there is something for everyone and at every price point.  And every item sold, it is a fundraiser so it does help our bottom line with every piece of merchandise that people buy."

A link to the games gear online store can be found on the 2024 Manitoba Games Host Society Facebook Page. 

Manitoba's new top cop says reducing violent crimes and property crimes are two major priorities for RCMP in Manitoba.

Assistant Commissioner Scott McMurchy says that is what they are hearing from Manitobans.

 "We hear that from citizens, from leaders in Manitoba, and working with our communities that the high rate of violent crime.  And I think that is really across the country and really across the world for that matter.  Violent crime is on the rise, as is property crime.  And everything is inter-connected, from violent property crime to drugs, organized crime, and other crimes of that nature."

McMurchy adds he wants to help their officers focus on intelligence-led investigations and opportunities to combat these issues collaboratively at the same time.

He also says collaborating with other agencies is another important priority for him.

"Both government and non-government agencies, in terms of upstream supports that are needed in our rural communities and indigenous communities, in terms of mental health services, addiction treatment services and addressing those root causes and issues there will help us support those communities." 

McMurchy says the goal of this is to keep people out of the criminal justice system as best as they can.

The newly renovated Cancer Care Unit at the Dauphin Regional Health Centre is now home to a pair of special chairs, thanks to a contribution from the Dauphin Hospital Foundation.

The Inverness chairs, which come with side tables, are said to be very comfortable according to patients, who also appreciate the ability to have items held on the side tables while they are receiving treatment.

The combined cost for the two chairs was 16-thousand dollars.

Prairie Mountain Health and the Dauphin Regional Health Centre thank the Dauphin Hospital Foundation for the donation.