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The Parkland Regional Manager for Workforce Education in Manitoba is optimistic that the success of a two day bus tour of businesses in the region will spawn further events like it in the future.   

The tour, held in partnership with the Parkland Chamber of Commerce, had 16 participants hop on the bus on Tuesday, and 13 take part on Wednesday.

Stephanie Jaddock says networking and the sharing of contact information was very evident.

"Some of the comments were like "we did not realize what all is in our region" and " we did not realize what this business does" or "how can we support each other"., whether it is through funding opportunities, skill building opportunities, or just sharing in services and  information to others about services that are in the Parkland and offered to customers."

Jaddock, adds the tour was received well by both the participants and the businesses that were visited. 

"We saw lots of engagement, as well as just the ability to learn a little bit more about other communities, businesses, maybe some of their great successes, some challenges, and just a way to connect and offer services that integrate us together,"

Participants had the chance over the two days to visit several businesses and heritage spots in communities such as Dauphin, Ste Rose, Winnipegosis, Gilbert Plains, and Grandview. 

Jaddock adds they are very appreciative of the partnership they had with the Parkland Chamber of Commerce, as well as sponsors such as Fusion Credit Union in putting on this event. 

Hundreds of citizens filled the street adjacent to CN Park at the Ceremonial Tribute in Remembrance.

Emceed by Cory Lafontaine, several local dignitaries paid tribute to those we lost, those who survived, and the first responders who dedicated their lives to saving others.

Starting with a land acknowledgment by Lafontaine and an opening prayer led by Luke MacMillan, Members of the local and provincial governments followed with kind words for those dealing with loss, and high praise for the emergency service workers who worked tirelessly in the hours, days,  weeks and months after the crash.


The Honourable Wab Kinew, premier of Manitoba took the stage first, and he admired the the massive community support.

"It shows how strong the community of Dauphin is in terms of stepping up for one another and showing support for the families and the survivors... I don't think there's anything in the province that's more important than this today."


Mayor Bosiak spoke next, proud to have made a lasting monument to the people Dauphin will never forget.

"June 15th will be forever remembered here. But, as many of the family members I've spoke with said 'We want to remember the people, not the accident' and that's what I hope that in time, this memorial will be"


Reeve of the RM of Dauphin Ernie Sirski stepped up next, absolutely in awe of the love shared by the hundreds of people who showed up.

"it's just an outpouring of support for the people who didn't make it a year ago today, and for the people that survived. that's all I can tell you, it's hard to put into words.... I knew most of the people that were on that bus... just, take care and look after yourselves."


Members of the Dauphin & District Ministerial Association, Father Brent Kuzyk and Father Oleg Bednarski, also spoke.

The churches have worked hard to offer guidance through the emotional and spiritual turmoils that devastating events like this have.


A tribute to the passengers was next, presented By Cory Lafontaine, followed by a reading of the passengers' names by RCMP Superintendant Jeff Asmundson.

A moment of silence followed.

The massive and silent crowd's sorrow was accompanied only by a faint breeze and bird song.

Dauphin's Fire Chief Cam Abrey honored the fallen, the survivors, and the hard-working people who were always there to help others on their worst days.

"All of the individuals that responded that day, from the public that were driving by to the emergency services, fire, police, EMS, Stars, and all the way up to the emergency room staff, the hospital staff the doctors and nurses in the medical care system, this memorial not only recognizes those that were lost, and those that survived, but those who provide assistance to those in need."


Fire Chief Abrey was then joined by Grady Stephenson, Deputy Chief of the Carberry North Cyprus -Langford Fire Department, who helped unveil the monument that preserves today's message for time immemorial.


One year ago today, we saw how this community responded to a tragedy, and today, we saw how that response has built a strong, loving, and supportive community. 

With the names and messages etched in stone, Dauphin truly never forgets this date, June 15th, 2023.

Of course, the loss will remain as these individuals could never be replaced, but the Mayor said it best, "we remember the people, not the accident". 

A loss like this should be mourned, but also inspire everyone to live life to the fullest in honor of those we mourn.


A ribbon cutting took place earlier this afternoon to officially open four new "Smile Zone" areas at the Dauphin Regional Health Centre.

Scott Bachly, Co-founder of the national smilezone project is proud of what Dauphin has done together.

"We're just really proud to be part of the Dauphin Community. this whole project is because of the community. I know that Tim Hortons donated the money, but it really comes down to the community buying cookies. i think it's very special, the fact that Dauphin is #1 in Canada. We're just really proud to be here."

The bright, colourful Smilezones include murals, sensory development materials, an entertainment system, and new furnishings within the lab and imaging waiting area, Palliative Care Family Room, and two treatment rooms within the Emergency Department.

Treena Slate, Prairie Mountain Health CEO thanks everyone who bought a cookie and supported this cause.

"I would just invite people to check it out when they're in the hospital, and we certainly want it to be a welcoming environment when they come, and we really want to thank the public and the community for all their commitment and dedication through the smile cookie campaign. thank you."


This is another great example of what a community like Dauphin can do when it comes together with purpose.

An Ethelbert area man accused of lighting a home on fire in that community earlier this month has ahd a new court date set. 

54-year-old Marc Dorais faces numerous charges, including Arson with Disregard for Human Life.

He has been remanded back into custody until June 21.

A 30-year-old Duphin man charged after a January 3rd assault at an apartment building in the city, and a subsequent allaged assault of a police officer, will return to court next month.

Shayne Lavallee had his matters put over until July 9th.

And a 25-year-old Gilbert Plains man will go to trial in April of next year in relation to the discovery of a large amount of stolen property.

Jordy Robertson was arrested after Mounties discovered several vehicles, trailers, and heavy machinery during a search of a rural Gilbert Plains property last October. 

The Little Valley Jamboree Returns this weekend for two days packed with a ton of family fun.

Toni Ferguson, Event Coordinator for the Little Valley Jamboree is excited for the full weekend of events.

"You name it, there are kids activities, there's bouncy castles, face painting, money mountain, which is a favorite. The jamboree train will be taking kids around the grounds, there's a kids band coming, so there will be some interactive dancing songs this year."

Posted by Little Valley Jamboree on Wednesday, May 15, 2024

While there are tons of kids activities, there's also plenty of fun for adults, with live music, a bar, dancing, and more!

The best part is, this is a charity event , with all funding going to 3 families with children who require special care.

"It's like the secret of Westman. Our website is, so if you want to go there it has all the information about the recipients and the history, tons of information on there."

 Tickets are $25 for the weekend for adults, $15 for a day, and kids 17 and under get in free

The Keystone Centre in Brandon has announced that their outdoor stage renovation project has been completed, thanks to the generous support of two local organizations:

Sunrise Credit Union and Heritage Co-op Brandon. Each contributed $10,000 to the project, which was completed this spring by J&G Commercial. 

The renovated stage has already seen increased use, with events such as the Manitoba Summer Fair and the Keystone Centre’s 50th anniversary celebration taking place on the newly renovated stage.

The Keystone Centre will host a free special event Saturday night to celebrate its 50th anniversary, featuring live music, food trucks, and a variety of activities for all ages.

Saturday's Ceremonial Tribute in Remembrance will be the next step in the healing process for the families of those that were on the bus headed to Carberry when it collided with a semi-truck.

Patrick Furkalo's mom Margaret was among the 25 people on that bus on June 15th of last year.

He feels it is important that something was done by community and family members to recognize the people that were involved in this tragedy.

"It is a chance for people through the community going through the grieving process to just meet people and share their stories and talk to them.  (The victims) were people that have been around for such a long time and were pillars in the community that stepped up."

A particular focus of tomorrow's memorial will also be on the first responders that attended the scene after the crash.

Furkalo says he is looking forward to meeting some of them, and in particular getting answers to the unanswered questions of what happened immediately after the crash.

"We know that some are coming and we want to thank STARS Air Ambulance and thank those responders.  We understood that each person that was in the crash had someone beside them, holding their hand and talking to them.  This will give us that opportunity to find out who they were, and hopefully we get a chance to talk to them   about that."

The ceremony will include speeches from several dignitaries, as well as the unveiling of a permanent monument, recognizing all 25 people on the bus as well as the first responders that assisted them in the hours of the crash.

Furkalo says the monument will be an amazing remembrance.

"The monument is going to stand out, and will give people the opportunity to reflect on the folks that were involved, and the community pride that goes into hosting something like this, and having that memorial there."

The event begins at 2 pm on Saturday at CN Park.

A reminder that if you are planning to attend the ceremony, you are encouraged to bring a lawn chair, as seating at the event will be limited.

Also, the city will be closing 1st Avenue Northwest between Main Street and 1st Street Northwest between noon and 5 on Saturday for the ceremony.

Those that are unable to make it to the service in person will be able to watch a livestream of it on Pathways Funeral Home's website.

And the Dauphin Active Living Center will host a memorial tea following the ceremony until 4 pm. 

17 were killed and another eight were injured.

It started as what was supposed to be a great day at the Carberry Casino for a group of seniors from Dauphin and the area. It ended in heartbreak when the minibus they were driving in collided with a semi-trailer. 

It was one of the largest crashes in Manitoba history as 17 people were killed. It is the tragedy's first anniversary on Saturday, and a monument will be unveiled at CN Park. Speakers at Saturday's memorial include Cory Lafontaine, The Honourable Wab Kinew, Mayor David Bosiak, Reeve Ernie Sirski, and RCMP Superintendent Jeff Asmundson, to name a few. 

Superintendent Rob Lasson, Officer in Charge, RCMP Major Crime Services and Acting Criminal Operation Officer for the Manitoba RCMP had this to say. 

"I want to reiterate my condolences to the family members that lost loved ones that day and I also want to thank everyone for your unwavering patience and understanding to the RCMP," said Lasson. "It took quite a while to do the investigation based on the complexity. As promised, we will be providing the answers that are needed. Evidence has been gathered and it's now sitting with the Crown."

It was a crash that affected so many. From immediate family members to friends to the RCMP, it was a tragedy that claimed the lives of so many amazing people.

"I felt an emotional attachment and a committment to the family and the community," ended Lasson. "To this day, it has had a significant impact on myself, my staff, and all of my colleagues. It is something that we will never forget."

Lasson also added that all those lost will never be forgotten. 

Saturday's proceedings will begin at 2:00 p.m. at CN Park. 

Sunrise Credit Union is handing out 24-thousand dollars in scholarships to 14 Westman high school grads, including one from the Parkland.

Grandview's Raelee Brasch was one of ten recipients of a one-thousand-dollar scholarship from Sunrise. 

A total of 60 students applied for scholarships this year, and were judged based on a number of factors, including academics, leadership, extra-curricular activities, community investment, volunteerism, and an essay that all applicants were required to write.

The largest scholarship - worth five-thousand-dollars - will be presented to Laura Delichte of St Alphonse

The Dauphin Ag Society has announced the recipient of its 2024 bursary.

Chase Sliworsky will graduate from Winnipegosis Collegiate this month and has been accepted to the University of Saskatchewan in their Bachelor of Science in Agriculture program, with his major being in Animal Science. 

Chase grew up on a cattle ranch in Meadow Portage and eventually hopes to become a Veterinarian.

In a post on the Dauphi Ag Society's Facebook page, Chase thanked the Society for awarding him with their one-thousand-dollar bursary this year. 

Dauphin's Mayor is proud of how the community has supported the families and others that were impacted by last year's bus crash near Carberry.

In reflecting on the year that has passed since the June 15 collision that left 17 local people dead and 8 others injured, David Bosiak made particular note of how the tragedy has brought people together.

"I saw that in our community as they stepped up to help to support the families and the survivors over the past year.  I know that it kicked the city in the teeth pretty hard last June and July and I know that it was probably a more somber than usual summer and fall in the city."

Bosiak adds June 15th will always be a significant day for the city.

"It was a monumental tragic event for our community.  And so I think that this one year anniversary signifies the fact that the community has not forgotten about the event, or about the families affected by it.  And that this memorial now will be a constant reminder."

Bosiak gives special thanks to EMS and other emergency services providers, as well as the Ministerial Association in Dauphin, who he says played an important role in helping the families and the community as a whole immediately after the accident. 

A special Ceremonial Tribute in Remembrance is planned for 2 pm Saturday afternoon at CN Park.