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It is a campaign that has brought plenty of smiles to people in our region over the past few years.

The Tim Horton's Smile Cookie campaign launches on Monday, with the Dauphin store looking to build on its record of being the top-selling location per capita in Manitoba in each of the past four years.

The Dauphin store has also secured second in the entire country over that time, with only Dunville, Ontario besting us. 

Dauphin Tim Horton's franchisee Greg Crisanti says community support is what drives this campaign locally every year.

"I've got some amazing sponsors on board, some who return year after year, amazing lists of volunteers who come out to decorate cookies and help out at the drive-through. it's more than just a cookie."

Crisanti says pre-orders are accepted through both their website and in person.

The campaign runs until May 5th, with 100 percent of all cookie sales going to the Smile Zone project at the Dauphin Regional Hospital. 

Sailing is one of the sports slated to be part of the 2024 Manitoba Summer Games in the Dauphin region.

The sailing competition will take place at Manipogo Provincial Park, and will feature two age groups - 13 and under and 14-17 years old.

Paul Krestanowich is a board member with Sail Manitoba, and he hopes the competition will spark more people in our region to take up sailing.

"Dauphin, Parkland, Yellowhead region they have a few sailors but they're maybe not as large of number as some parts of the province. Manipogo is going to have a learn to sail course this summer, and I'm hoping going forward that's every summer.

Krestanowich says each participant will face a minimum of seven races over the course of the sailing competition at the Manitoba Summer Games, which are set for August 11-17. 

An arrest was made earlier this week after an officer was assaulted during a traffic stop.

On April 23, at approximately 9:20 pm, Selkirk RCMP received a report of a possible impaired driver heading towards Highway 9 in the RM of St. Andrews.

There were two occupants in the vehicle, a driver and a passenger. While the officers were speaking to the driver, the passenger started yelling and swearing at the officers.

Despite a request to stay in the vehicle, the passenger got out, rushed the officer, and shoved him. while being cuffed, he punched an officer and was then subdued with an energy weapon.

Alexander Chand, 42, has been charged with 3 counts of uttering threats, and 2 counts of resisting arrest, mischief, and assaulting a peace officer.

However, The driver of the vehicle was completely sober and cooperative throughout this situation.

Three First Nations seek to protect treaty forest land and may take a logging company and the province to court.

The Pine Creek, Wuskwi Sipihk, and Sapotaweyak Cree nations allege that the logging company Louisiana-Pacific did not have an approved forest management plan in place during their activity on Treaty 4 territory.

These actions could violate the Manitoba Forest Act if the allegations prove correct.

Chief Derek Nepinak of Pine Creek noted in a press release that "In 2012 Manitoba agreed to consider other logging practices to protect moose habitat, More than 12 years later Manitoba is still without a viable plan".

Ag Minister Ron Kostyshyn was available for comment, and hopes for an open dialogue moving forward.

"The ongoing discussions are going on between the two parties and I just want to say that preserving jobs and advancing economic reconciliation are our top priorities for our government. we're working hard to arrive at a resolution in response to the needs and concerns of all parties."

The application for court proceedings also alleges the province has failed its duty to consult with the First Nations, and breached both the honor of the crown and the treaty obligations after renewing the logging agreement at the end of March.

The Manitoba Summer Games are approaching fast, and things are ramping up!

As part of this, The 2024 Manitoba Games Host Committee in Dauphin proudly announced the upcoming reconstruction of the outdoor athletics facility at the Dauphin Regional Comprehensive Secondary School

The new outdoor athletic track and field facility will replace the aging infrastructure and will feature a modern rubberized track.

These renovations will also add a versatile 100’ x 60’ multi-sport pad suitable for various athletic activities, and according to Host Society co-chair Clayton Swanton, some much-needed electrical upgrades.

"We also were able to partner with Hydro, and we'll be able to run Hydro to our tower. So, right now they're running an extension cord from the high school for every Clippers football game which is crazy. that will also allow us to control the timing system that we are also required to have for the games"

This $1.1 million project is funded by many partners, including the province, the school division, sports Manitoba, and the Dauphin and District Community Foundation. 

The lasting legacy that these upgrades offer could inspire all sorts of new groups, events, and competitions to take place here in the city of Dauphin.

 In the courts this week, one of two people, who admitted to an armed robbery of two teens in Swan River back in February had a new court date set

21-year-old Jefferson Cook remains in custody until his next appearance on May 14th.

And one of three people arrested after three armed robberies here in Dauphin last month, has appeared in court again.

30-year-old Desmond Parenteau of Duck Bay was remanded back into custody to May 28th.

A select group of middle school students in Ste. Rose are set to show off their talents early next month.

On May 9 and 10, the students will perform the play 'Annie' at the school in the community. Katherine Dupre says the students started practicing their lines on April 1 and there is a ton of excitement ahead of those two days.

"The nerves are starting to come and the kids are very excited, they're starting to think about the audience," said Dupre. "They're getting their lines memorized, it's a fun time."

This will be the first play performed at the school in more than two decades as the last one was way back in 2000. Tickets for the show are just $10 which includes dessert and your ticket to the show. 

The show each day will begin at 7:00 p.m. The students still have a few practice sessions ahead of them and as Dupre says, they are working very hard.

"I am super proud of them, I am probably going to cry all night," ended Dupre. "It takes a lot to get on stage and talk and sing in front of people. I am so proud and I can't wait for them to get the chance to show off all of their hard work."

You can call or text 204-447-5049 for tickets. You can also get in touch on their Facebook page. 

The hours are dwindling down towards the ticket deadline for the Neepawa and District Medical Committee's Farm and Leisure Lotto. 

Lottry chairperson Mary-Ellen Clark says Saturday at 7 pm is the deadline to purchase tickets in this year's lottery.

"Lots of people are ordering online lots of people are calling the toll free number, and we have people walking into the Town Office where we have a bank of folks sthat are taking the phone calls.  And you can purchase your tickets (at thetown offi ce) and get your ticket right away.  And also when you purchse a ticket, if you are lucky enough to have your ticket drawn, it goes back in for all the draws for all the big  prizes on Monday when we make all of the draws."  

All 3-picks of tickets in the lottery have been sold out for a few weeks, but single tickets at a cost of $100 and 50/50 tickets are still available. 

Clark says proceeds from the lottery go to a great cause.

"It is for our clinic.  We are in the process of our third renovvation.  And we really appreciate the support that every region is providing.  And your Dauphin area is amazing with the support that you provide us with."

You can go online to www.neepawalotto.caom, or call 1-877-876-8555 to purchase tickets. .

A monument is in the works after last year's deadly bus crash.

The crash near Carberry left 17 people from Dauphin and the area dead while another eight were injured.

Dauphin's Mayor David Bosiak says a lot of history was lost in that accident as the people who died had a significant impact on our community and that's why a monument is being created.

"I think it's incumbent upon the City to recognize the value that those people contributed to our community over the years," said Bosiak. "We want to have something in place that is a forever reminder of the significance and importance of those people. Not so much to focus on the tragedy and the event itself, but more so the people that we lost that day."

The collision happened when a bus carrying seniors on a day trip to the Sandhills Casino was hit by a semi at the Intersection of Highway 5 and the Trans-Canada Highway. Since the crash, the Manitoba government announced it has earmarked $12 million to upgrade the intersection to make it safer.

Bosiak said the city council set up a committee, which included senior administration to work with the family members on the monument. Funds raised by the Dauphin & District Community Foundation's Support Our Seniors Fund will help pay for the monument.

"The Manitoba government has also stepped up to help with the costs, which we are very appreciative of," offered Bosiak. 

A local manufacturer is currently working on the monument's design. The monument will be placed at CN Park and is currently earmarked to be unveilved on June 15, which is the one-year anniversary of the crash. The unveiling date could change; however, as Bosiak says they are still in the planning phase. 

"The details of the day are still being worked out, I know Repromap is doing some of the development of the monument itself," said Bosiak. "June 15 has been carved out on the calendar and representatives from the provincial government will be in town that day."

Bosiak also says he was proud of how the community banded together as one after the tragedy.

"People came together to help the families," ended Bosiak. "They respected what went on after and that was very telling. I was very proud of the citizens of our communty in the aftermath of the tragedy."

Livestock producers will now have more funding to invest in peace of mind.

Through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, the federal and provincial governments are reimbursing anti-predator investments for eligible farmers.

This funding will reimburse up to 75% of total eligible expenses to a maximum of $5,000 for pre-approved equipment and guardian dogs, and $10,000 for fence construction.

President of Manitoba beef producers Carson Callum is happy with this announcement but thinks more could be offered down the line.

"I think it's a good start, and hopefully if we see a lot of uptake in the program some of the eligibility or event the amounts in future years can be increased or expanded to meet the needs of the producers that require it."

Any producers who filed a Wildlife Damage Compensation Program claim from 2021 or later will be eligible to apply for this new funding.

It was a year of fiscal growth and community support for Sunrise Credit Union's 15th year of operation.

At their AGM earlier this week, Sunrise President and CEO Tim Klassen highlighted the numerous projects this Credit Union supported both financially and through volunteerism.

A big highlight was the introduction of the Building Communities Grant Program, which funded the Elkhorn Ice Plant Replacement, Shoal Lake Aeration Project and the Holland Outdoor Arena with $15,000 each toward their projects.

Since its formation in 2008, this credit union has grown to serve nearly 34,000 members at 19 branches across the province.

CEO Klassen also noted that he looks forward to the continued growth of the credit union and maintaining the exceptional service that their members have come to expect.