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Three different incidents have resulted in the Dauphin RCMP being extremely busy as of late.



Two people are in the hospital being treated for injuries after an assault on Monday morning in Dauphin.

At 5:35 a.m., RCMP received a report of an injured female and she was found with a severe knife wound at Tim Hortons. A second victim, an adult male, was also located.

Prior to them being at Tim Hortons, the victims were in a grey truck, owned by the male, in the area of Cemetery Road when they were assaulted by three suspects. The suspects left the victims on Cemetery Road and fled the area in the grey truck, which has since been recovered.

If you have any information, you're asked to call the RCMP at 204-622-5050. 



On March 11 at about 4:45 a.m., the RCMP responded to a report of a male that was suffering from a gunshot wound. He was located at the hospital being treated for non-life-threatening injuries and a 22-year-old female was arrested.

An investigation determined the victim was travelling in a vehicle with two others when a shotgun was discharged and struck the male in the leg. The 22-year-old faces a charge of discharging a firearm while being reckless. She has been released from custody and she will appear in Dauphin Provincial Court on May 16.



Then on March 12 at about 10:40 p.m., the RCMP responded to a report of an assault with a weapon. A 30-year-old female was walking in the area near Memorial Boulevard in Dauphin when she was assaulted by another 30-year-old female. The accused struck the victim with a hammer that had a large screw attached to it. The victim sustained non-life-threatening injuries and she was transported to the hospital for treatment.

The accused was located a short distance away and she has been charged with aggravated assault and assault with a weapon and she remains in custody while she awaits a court date.

Both females are known to each other and it does appear to be a targeted attack.

The Yorkton RCMP is asking for the public's help finding a man who is unlawfully at large.

30-year-old Jonathon Carlos Eugene Anaquod was last seen on Smith Street near Yorkton early Saturday afternoon. He's described as 6'2", approximately 210 lbs, with short brown hair, and brown eyes.

Anaquod has a tattoo of "1923" on his right hand, full sleeve tattoos on both arms, an "SW" tattoo on his neck, and a "Sask Warrior" on his left arm. He was last seen wearing a grey and white coloured Nike sweater, black pants, and white Nike shoes.

Yorkton RCMP is requesting the public to report sightings or information on Anaquod's whereabouts to the detachment by calling (306) 786-2400 or your local police service. Information can also be submitted anonymously by contacting Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or

A Parkland cow has defied the odds multiple times now, giving birth to two sets of healthy triplets.

Barry and Sandy Sliworsky farm East of Winnipegosis, and one of their cows gave birth to triplets in February 2021. Now, just two years later, that same cow has given birth to a second set of triplets, Lily, Lucy, and Lenny.

Magic Cow Triplets 2

This cow's history of multiples goes back even further than the two sets of triplets however, as she also had twins in 2020. She had the second set of triplets early last week, and Barry says they had an idea that it was multiples, but he wasn't convinced it would be triplets again.

"I suspected this cow was carrying more than one, probably 6 weeks ago, two months ago, and that was based on her history and based on her body condition. We saw that her condition was starting to fail like she was starting to lose fat and muscle mass, but her abdomen was getting larger. That's exactly sort of the path she took in '21 when she was carrying the triplets."

Barry says they decided to bring her up and make sure she was really well fed, so she'd be ready for whatever happens. The odds of having triplets once are low, and Barry says that drops even lower when it's three live calves.

"The info that we pulled up I think the incidents of triplets is one in 105 thousand births or something in cattle, but the odds of actually having all three born alive is maybe triple that, so you're looking at one in every three or four hundred thousand to have them all alive."

While only time will tell with the week-old calves, Barry says they were amazed at how well the first set of triplets did after they were born.

"The incredible part about this cow, is we actually left the triplets on the first time, we just didn't need any spares, and we just started feeding her quite well, and it went into spring and then summer and she stayed around the yard and raised all three. Incredibly, we have the weights of all the calves, and that first set of triplets, she weaned over 1,650 pounds, and this cow weighs probably 1,300 pounds."

He says the starting weight on the first set of triplets was 178 Lbs, and she outdid herself the second time around, giving birth to 203 Lbs between the three calves.

The Assiniboine Community College is hosting an open house event on Thursday, March 16th, that invites new students to explore and discover the Parkland Campus in Dauphin.

The open house will have a host of high school students during the morning, and there will be two separate times in the afternoon to give prospective students a chance to find out what the campus offer.

The two public open houses will be available from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm, or later from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm.

Director of Parkland Campus Carol Stewart is excited to meet all the new students, and show off the facilities.

We are going to give you opportunity to see the space, and check out some of the work shops, the class rooms, the student lounges, and the places where all the magic happens. 

Aside from learning about what ACC has to offer, faculty will be on hand to answer any questions about classes, bursaries, financial aid, and more.

If you are looking to register for either of the two open house times, registration details can be found at the Parkland ACC Facebook page or at

You might notice the thundering sound of helicopters in the air next weekend as the Civil Air Search and Rescue Association, or CASARA, will be hosting some search and rescue drills north of Dauphin on March 18th.

The Search and Rescue Exercise, also referred to as SAREX will see four to five CASARA aircraft, drones, and possibly a C-130 Hercules plane flying through Dauphin air space practicing their abilities to spot down aircraft and other emergency situations from the skies.

Cadets from the Dauphin 50 RCACS will set up simulations of a crash site, Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELT), and wounded personnel. The RCMP will also be on the scene running ground-based searches as well.

Zone Commander Colin Bennett commented on the training event, and just how large scale it is.

"The idea behind the SAREX, this one is entitled tri-zone SAREX. thats our three zones in manitoba, zone one being winnipeg, zone two, the brandon area and north to include Dauphin, and zone 3 which is Flin-Flon and the Pas"

This tri-zone event is an effort to get all of the members together for a larger, more complex search scenario in order to keep proficient with situations that deal with larger areas and aircraft.

THE_HERC.pngA C-130 Hercules, Picture Provided by Zone Commander Colin Bennett

With the many training events taking place, it's sure to be a busy day for everyone on the ground, and in the skies.

Snowfall Warnings are in effect around southwestern Manitoba but aren't in the Dauphin - Russell - Roblin - Winnipegosis area yet.

The Minnedosa - Riding Mountain National Park area, and the Ste. Rose - McCreary - Alonsa - Gladstone area are both under the warnings. The statements say that heavy snowfall is expected tonight through tomorrow night, and both areas should expect between 10 and 20 cm.

A low-pressure system is developing and will track along the border, spreading snow across the southern part of the province this weekend. Snow is expected to taper off Saturday night at the system departs.

While the Dauphin - Russell - Roblin - Winnipegosis areas arent under the warning, we're still expected to get around 2 cm of snow tonight, and another 5 to 10 cm tomorrow.

The Dauphin Ag Society held Farm Outlook 2023 yesterday and it was a huge success.

At the event, the Ag Society presented the Ron Brook Memorial Award, and this year it went to a group you might not immediately associate with Agriculture. The Dauphin Fire Department was this year's recipient, and selection committee member Tere Stykalo says a lot goes into the decision process.

"You sort of try to pick the most appropriate for that current year, and you know, sometimes a little more assessment goes into the recipient each year, and this year, the Fire Department was hands down what everyone felt was the organization we wanted to acknowledge."

Fire Chief Cam Abrey says it's a great honour for the department to receive the award, and they did some digging into the history between the two organizations.

"A few weeks ago we had one of the members of the Ag Society come to the fire station and ask for the history of the Fire Departments' involvement with the summer fair, and anything else we could put together on our partnership with our Ag community."

Chief Abrey says during their research, they found that 1978 was the first request for them to assist with the fire protection for the demolition derby during the summer fair. He says that relationship is something that means a lot to the department, and it's a great feeling to have their involvement with the Ag Society Recognized.

"It's something for the members of the department past and present. This is a 45-year relationship that they've had with the Ag Society and the Summer Fair for the fire protection. There are a lot of members that have come and gone through our doors. It's nice to remember those folks as well, so having this award presented is recognizing past, present, and future, and a partnership that we hope continues for a lot of years."

The rest of the event featured a number of presentations about everything from grain buying and selling decisions to rural crime and what can be done to slow the trend. Co-chair Chad Sahulka says they really wanted to focus on having a wide variety of topics.

"Having a wide variety of speakers was a huge thing for today. We wanted to kind of get out and get in touch with everyone to try and cover our whole industry. Kind of looking for the same thing next year, hopefully, get some new faces in and some new presentations."

A recent report from the Manitoba RCMP outlines what can happen if you leave your vehicle running, unattended.

On March 7th at roughly 12:50 pm, RCMP received the report of a truck stolen from a Thompson residence. As the vehicle fled, it got stuck in a snowbank at Waterloo Avenue and Brandon Crescent. 

When another vehicle stopped to assist, the truck became unstuck and sideswiped the stopped vehicle leaving its driver with minor injuries.

RCMP received several calls of an erratic driver and was notified of a vehicle that matched the description of the stolen truck, previously stuck on the shoulder of Highway 6.

After learning the location of the vehicle, police set up a traffic stop in an attempt to reign in the stolen vehicle, but the truck refused to stop and continued to drive erratically, nearly colliding with other motorists.

Officers made the decision to stop pursuing due to the dangerous driving, and risk to the public.

Later on patrol, officers found the stolen truck in the snow on the outskirts of Thompson, off Station Road.

Two females were arrested without incident. One of the females was 11 years old and could not be charged. The other female, 12, is facing charges including dangerous operation of a motor vehicle causing bodily harm, flight from police, and theft of a motor vehicle.

Thompson RCMP continues to investigate the incident. 

Four areas in the southwest corner of the province are under Special Weather Statements right now.

According to Environment Canada, a low pressure system is developing in Montana and will spread snow into southern Saskatchewan tomorrow night and eventually into Manitoba as the system tracks eastward to North Dakota. The system will also bring some stronger winds with it which will make for blowing snow at some points.

The snowfall, which is expected to continue through Saturday, could bring anywhere from 10 to 20 cm of snow in some areas.

Even though there is a special weather statement in effect, the low pressure system could track further south, which would significantly reduce the amount of snow we will see.

Currently, the statement is in effect for these areas:

  • Brandon - Neepawa - Carberry - Treherne
  • Killarney - Pilot Mound - Manitou
  • Melita - Boissevain - Turtle Mountain Provincial Park
  • Virden - Souris

We will keep an eye out for any weather statements issued for areas in the Parkland.

On March 9th, 2022, the Parkland Ukrainian Family Fund was announced, and Reit-Syd Equipment kicked things off with a $25,000 donation. Since then, the fund has been able to bring 27 families to the area.

Through donations, both monetary and in kind, the Fund and its volunteers have helped more than 70 people come to the Parkland, but the help hasn't stopped with just those families.

While the fund can't financially support every family trying to come to the Parkland from Ukraine, Fund volunteer Lindsay Rubeniuk says they're doing what they can to help people settle throughout the region.

"What we're trying to do now is provide them with some direction. You know we want people to come to our area because we want economic development to occur, so what our Fund is able to do is to try and assist them with employment, and also to try and find them housing."

Rubeniuk says the fund has helped find Ukrainian newcomers jobs in both Grandview and Roblin, as recently as this week.

Fund volunteer Tere Stykalo says while they want to support as many people as possible, they've had to dial back their commitments to new families that reach out.

"The support levels that were established at the start of the whole process were quite extensive, and the fund is not endless in its supply of financial support, so we do have to temper how the new families are going to get support, as Lindsay had said, which is going to come in the form of direction and the form of trying to assist them to get settled in a very positive and successful manner."

Stykalo says that word has spread about the generosity of the Parkland, and they continue to have people reaching out for help.

"We seem to always have knocks on the door, there are other families that want to come to this community and to the surrounding area. Word travels that they've been treated very well and they've had the opportunity to be successful here in a very short period of time."

A major part of the Family Funds' mission has been to bring in people that want to work and be a part of the community in which they're settling. Stykalo says that's already showing, and having positive results in the area.

"There's a spinoff back to the community, and we can see that happening already. When you look at employers who had voids where you didn't have anybody working, they now have some folks from Ukraine, from these families coming there, finding employment, contributing back to that employer's revenue stream."

Stykalo says it goes beyond the families filling job openings in the communities.

"They've got to go to the grocery store to buy groceries, they consume gas, and they're going to do all of their household spending here in Dauphin which creates a tremendous spinoff. You look at our schools, I believe one of the schools has had to hire more teachers, so that again provides a spinoff back to the community as these institutions also expand."

One of the initial goals of the Fund was to bring in families that want to set up roots in the Parkland, and Rubeniuk, who's an immigration consultant and has been helping the families since they arrived, says the process has already started.

"What we have now is currently five families that are in the midst of applying for immigration, and their intention is to remain in the community of Dauphin and surrounding areas."

While just five families are in the process of applying for immigration already, they aren't the only ones who have shown interest says Rubeniuk.

"These are just the first five families that are ready to go, and I've had several talks or emails from the rest of the families indicating their desire to remain in the area, and how to go about completing their application for immigration."

The fund also wants to thank the countless number of volunteers who have given their time, as well as everyone throughout the Parkland and beyond who has donated to the fund.

They are still accepting donations as they continue to try and help as many people fleeing the war in Ukraine as possible, and Stykalo says you can get a donation receipt for any financial donations to the fund.

"If anybody is considering making financial donations to the Fund, please remember and keep in mind that it is a charitable organization, so you will get a charitable donation receipt for your taxes, and also for corporations, there are some deductions available for corporations that want to make donations as well to the fund."

Stykalo and Rubeniuk say that anyone looking for more information can contact them or any of the other committee members.

You can get more information about the Fund, by calling Larry at 204-648-5904.

The Dauphin Fire Department Hosted its Annual Firefighter Appreciation Dinner, and it was an excellent way to celebrate the people that help keep our city safe.

The event featured speeches from local dignitaries including Mayor David Boziak, Dauphin RM Reeve Ernie Sirski, as well as recognitions from Fire Chief Cam Abrey.

Throughout the night, several firefighters received awards for their years of service:

  • Conrad Demeria, 10 years
  • Cameron Popiel, 5 years 
  • Jordon Steiner, 5 years
  • Mitchell Kanton, 5 years
  • Devin Kiesman, years
  • Chris Davidson, 5 years
  • Sabrina Anderson, 5 year

Three other important awards were also announced, but are to be handed out at a later date:

  • Wayne Wells will receive the Manitoba Association Of Fire Chiefs Long Service Award for 35 years of service
  • Alvin Bogoslowski will receive the Governor General's Exemplary Service award after 40 years of service
  • David Clark will receive a Retirement Plaque after 34 years of service

Fire Chief Abrey was able to speak about the event and its long-standing heritage:

The Appreciation Dinner, we look back into our history, and we see record of it happening in the 1950s, so this has been a long-standing event where, at that time, the town of Dauphin, which progressed in the city and rural municipality of Dauphin,  have come together to recognize the achievements of our firefighters.

firefighter_appr.jpgPicture from the Appreciation Dinner

While it was awarded last year at this event due to pandemic delays, Dauphin's Firefighter Of The Year award will be given out at the Firefighters Ball later this year on November 4th.