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A group of community volunteers gathered last night to commemorate a job well done, even if it was a little late.

Dauphin's RIDE program runs every December, and usually gather for an appreciation dinner in February, but it was delayed a bit this year.

The program had some solid numbers to boast though, as they had the second highest number of volunteers ever, getting nearly 300 passengers some safe through the cold weekends in December of last year.

Program Coordinator ShoSho Shuttleworth is always planning ahead for next year, hoping to get even more volunteers or donations, and more people home safe.

"You can message us on our facebook page which is the Dauphin RIDE program, or they can contact either myself or Cory, at 638 1463. leave a message for us, and we'll get back to you... me welcome any and all donations"

This Non-profit program was started by the late John Shuttleworth over 30 years ago who was once asked how Dauphin could lower its number of impaired drivers during the holiday season.

The response, and mission going forward were simple "We pick them up, and drive them home. It doesn't matter who calls, we'll help them"