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Hundreds of citizens filled the street adjacent to CN Park at the Ceremonial Tribute in Remembrance.

Emceed by Cory Lafontaine, several local dignitaries paid tribute to those we lost, those who survived, and the first responders who dedicated their lives to saving others.

Starting with a land acknowledgment by Lafontaine and an opening prayer led by Luke MacMillan, Members of the local and provincial governments followed with kind words for those dealing with loss, and high praise for the emergency service workers who worked tirelessly in the hours, days,  weeks and months after the crash.


The Honourable Wab Kinew, premier of Manitoba took the stage first, and he admired the the massive community support.

"It shows how strong the community of Dauphin is in terms of stepping up for one another and showing support for the families and the survivors... I don't think there's anything in the province that's more important than this today."


Mayor Bosiak spoke next, proud to have made a lasting monument to the people Dauphin will never forget.

"June 15th will be forever remembered here. But, as many of the family members I've spoke with said 'We want to remember the people, not the accident' and that's what I hope that in time, this memorial will be"


Reeve of the RM of Dauphin Ernie Sirski stepped up next, absolutely in awe of the love shared by the hundreds of people who showed up.

"it's just an outpouring of support for the people who didn't make it a year ago today, and for the people that survived. that's all I can tell you, it's hard to put into words.... I knew most of the people that were on that bus... just, take care and look after yourselves."


Members of the Dauphin & District Ministerial Association, Father Brent Kuzyk and Father Oleg Bednarski, also spoke.

The churches have worked hard to offer guidance through the emotional and spiritual turmoils that devastating events like this have.


A tribute to the passengers was next, presented By Cory Lafontaine, followed by a reading of the passengers' names by RCMP Superintendant Jeff Asmundson.

A moment of silence followed.

The massive and silent crowd's sorrow was accompanied only by a faint breeze and bird song.

Dauphin's Fire Chief Cam Abrey honored the fallen, the survivors, and the hard-working people who were always there to help others on their worst days.

"All of the individuals that responded that day, from the public that were driving by to the emergency services, fire, police, EMS, Stars, and all the way up to the emergency room staff, the hospital staff the doctors and nurses in the medical care system, this memorial not only recognizes those that were lost, and those that survived, but those who provide assistance to those in need."


Fire Chief Abrey was then joined by Grady Stephenson, Deputy Chief of the Carberry North Cyprus -Langford Fire Department, who helped unveil the monument that preserves today's message for time immemorial.


One year ago today, we saw how this community responded to a tragedy, and today, we saw how that response has built a strong, loving, and supportive community. 

With the names and messages etched in stone, Dauphin truly never forgets this date, June 15th, 2023.

Of course, the loss will remain as these individuals could never be replaced, but the Mayor said it best, "we remember the people, not the accident". 

A loss like this should be mourned, but also inspire everyone to live life to the fullest in honor of those we mourn.
