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A lot of construction is underway on the south end of the city, and one establishment is looking to wrap up its work soon.

Mr Mikes has had its doors closed for a while, after apparent issues with its heat exchange unit.

Scott Durston, manager of the local restaurant, says the part took a while to get here, which is why it's taking so long.

"We had to get it custom-made in Calgary, so that's what took the longer period of time. It shipped here Friday, and they started [the repairs] this morning."

The installation of this new part, and the subsequent clean-up, is the next step, but Durston notes that it should wrap up soon.

"We are shooting for, I believe Thursday or Friday of this week, if everything goes smoothly, that is."

The repairs were due to a CO leak detected in the restaurant, leading to the closure to ensure the safety of the customers and staff.