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Residents and businesses in the Swan Valley are invited to participate in the creation of a new development plan by-law for the entire region.

The plan would encompass the towns of Swan River, Minitonas, and Bowsman, as well as the RM of Mountain and Municipality of Swan Valley West. 

The Swan Valley Planning District says an updated development plan will help establish a vision for the entire Swan Valley for the next 20-25 years, as well as identify key development objectives for the community and for different land uses. 

A Community open house has been scheduled for January 30th from 4-7 pm at the Veterans Community Hall, where residents can drop in and share their input and ideas. 

There will also be an open planning studio the following day from 4-7 pm at the Swan Lake Watershed District office, also in Swan River.

Residents are also encouraged to participate in a survey, a link to which can be found on the Town of Swan River's website, with paper copies also available at municipal offices in the Swan Valley.