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The Creative Common going to be a space for people to learn new skills and pursue creative endeavors, and they're looking for partners.

At the MVSD regular board meeting last night, Martijn Van Luijn made a presentation in regards to this public developement.

"First of all, this makers space is what we consider a community place. I know its going to be membership driven, so you'll need to become a member. there's going to be fees involved, but we'll have access to low fees as well. This is going to be a place for everybody."

According to the Creative Common's Website, they're looking for a fundraising goal of $150,000, which would go towards purchasing equipment for the space.

TCC looks to offer a wide variety of skillset and tools to use, ranging from wood working, laser engraving and CNC, a recording studio, and a classroom to teach people to use these tools safely.

It's home will be located at the former Trophy corner, as space being provided generously at no rent to TCC by Steve Sobering.

Completion time is still tentitavely set for next spring, but it is not set in stone.

As well, TCC is looking for volunteers and skilled individuals, as this center will focus on a mentorship system of skilled peomple educating other with their talent.

if you want to get involved, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for all the details!