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Kit Daley, DDCF Exec. Director

The Dauphin and District community is responsible for a lot of community projects, and Kit Daley, with the DDCF, says a crucial aspect of their work is local support.

 Kit Daley, with the Dauphin and District Community Foundation, notes that they get a large amount of support from local businesses, and they make sure to give it right back to the community.

"In addition to providing employment opportunities, businesses donate to organizations like ours, which in turn support projects and organizations that benefit everyone. Dauphin and District Community Foundation was recently chosen for the Smile Cookie campaign by our local Tim Hortons. And, we immediately had businesses step up as daily sponsors providing matching funds, as well as providing staff to help decorate cookies."

On behalf of all of us, THANK YOU DAUPHIN AND AREA!! And, THANK YOU Tim Hortons Westman & Area for your gracious support!

Posted by Dauphin & District Community Foundation on Tuesday, November 21, 2023.

The DDCF does a lot of wonderful things in the city, and it's all fueled by the people who choose to put their money where their house is.