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In a historic announcement today, Manitoba's current premier gave recognition to its first.

In this announcement, Premier Wab Kinew was proud to recognize Louis Riel and his accomplishments.

“For generations, Red River Métis people in Manitoba have fought for recognition, dignity, and inclusion in our province. They have long known the true history of our province: that Louis Riel was our first premier. Today, our government will honor their tireless work to keep his legacy alive by introducing legislation that would recognize him as the first premier of Manitoba.”

Riel was just 25 when he and other Red River Métis formed a provisional government and presented Canada with a bill of rights, which led to our province entering the confederation with the 1870 Manitoba Act.

This bill looked to protect indigenous languages, religious rights, and federal representation and demanded that the treaties made with First Nations be ratified.

Riel also represented the province 3 times in parliament, negotiating these terms with the Government of Canada.

His leadership and the Red River Métis forever changed the shape of Western Canada, ensuring rights to democratic representation from the West were honored.

Manitoba Métis Federation President David Chartrand was also deeply proud to see Riel get this recognition.

“To see Louis Riel – leader of the Red River Métis of the Northwest – receive his rightful recognition for his contributions to the formation of Manitoba and Canada will touch the hearts of all our citizens, particularly our elected officials, elders and seniors who have spent their lives fighting and advocating for this moment. This legislation is just the beginning. We look forward to seeing the true history of Canada taught in schools from kindergarten to Grade 12 and beyond including the contributions of the government of the Red River Métis and all Indigenous nations.”

Kinew also stated that this new legislation is the first step in resetting the relationship between the Manitoba Government and Indigenous Governments as partners and leaders of the province.