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As we continue Ag Appreciation Week at CKDM, today we highlight a local producer who's been expanding his operation.

Adam Strang's operation is just east of Dauphin and has been a very grain-focused area for a while.

Through the help of Manitoba Egg Farmers, he's branched out into the business of Eggs.

This Provincial Organization offers avenues into the egg business through their new entrant draws which provides a wealth of money and resources to jump-start new ag producers in Manitoba.

Strang found a great deal of support from this group we he started up his laying operation in 2021.

"Manitoba Egg Farmers has been very supportive through the whole journey of getting this operation set up. whether it be putting me in contact with equipment salesmen in the industry or contractors, feed suppliers, or people at the hatcheries, they've just been very supportive."

Strang notes the biggest reason for this expansion is the farmers at MEF who give back to the world of farming through projects like this. 

"If it wasn't for Manitoba Egg Farmers and their quota draw, I definitely wouldn't started this operation."

When it comes down to how you can send some appreciation to this local operation, it's as easy as a balanced breakfast.

"The best way to support an operation like myself would just be going to the grocery store and buying eggs there because that's where my eggs will be"

Adam Strang's situation is a perfect example of how producers support each other to keep their industries flourishing, and he very much appreciates all the help that Manitoba Egg Farmers sends his way.

CKDM also sends our appreciation to MEF, Adam Strang, and all the amazing people in the agricultural sector, as we continue with Ag Appreciation Week.