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Dauphin AG Society Looked back on the success of 2023 at last night's AGM.

Several orders of business were taken care of, starting with introductions, the review of the previous meeting's minutes, and a quick speech from the current president.

There was also a thorough review of the financial standings of the group, and after 2 excellent years, things are shaping up well.

2022 happened to be one of the most profitable years on record, and 2023 was hot on its heels, but not quite as record-breaking.

After the finances were dispatched, then came the annual nominations and voting for new committee chairs.

Many of the positions maintained their existing sitting members, including AG Society President Terron Stykalo, re-elected yet again. 

Stykalo took the re-election as a compliment as is looking forward to what's next.

"I think 2023 stacks up to be certainly one of the best fairs we've had in overall years with our farm outlook show... We're excited for 2024"

To keep up with all the latest with Dauphin's AG Society, visit, or get involved with the group itself, as membership dues are just $10 annually, and they're always looking for new members!