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After a very long night watching the votes roll in, the morning brought the finalized results for Manitoba's 2023 election.

NDP's Ron Kostyshyn was definitely feeling the effects, and he could barely sleep due to the anticipation.

"Definitely not. we got home and the excitement still was flowing through the bloodstream. and then later on, we did hear somewhat of a positive note so we sat around and it was about 3 o'clock in the morning when we finally decided we get some sleep."

Gord Wood of the PC party is also feeling a bit low after the night, as he's feeling a bit more than just fatigue. 

"Feeling some Disappointment, but there's a lot of woulda, shoulda, coulda kind of stuff. Certainly, we knew the poll when we started had us at a 99 to 1 to even win the riding. to be this close, that's an accomplishment, but I'm still disappointed."

Both candidates ran some excellent campaigns, and the polls really reflect that.

With a difference of less than 500 votes making the decision, it shows that both candidates put in massive efforts to win the votes of the people of Dauphin.