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Voters in the Dauphin constituency will choose between just two candidates for our MLA when they go to the polls on October 3rd.

The Dauphin riding is one of eight across Manitoba that does not have a Liberal candidate running in it.

Both Ron Kostyshyn of the NDP and Gord Wood of the PC say they are working to try and secure those votes from people who would otherwise have voted for another party locally.

Kostyshyn feels his party's platform is appealing to voters from other parties. 

"I think there are a lot of ingredients that we talk about as the NDP party that the Green party appreciates, that the Liberal party appreciates, and people that are with the government of today - the Conservative party - are also liking our language.  And we are there as the NDP party to be a good representative for Dauphin and the province of Manitoba."

Meanwhile Wood says with just two candidates running, they are working hard to get every vote that they can.

"We want to make sure that we are connecting and that everybody understands the issues and the platforms and supports that our party has.  So it is going to be close in that regard, but that is exciting.  That is what makes elections exciting when you know that every vote can matter."