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Local farmers continue to make progress towards completing the 2023 harvest.

Sixty-two per cent of this year's crop in the Northwest region is now in the bin. 

Only farmers in the central region - where 77 per cent of crops are in the bin - are further along with harvesting than our region. 

Manitoba Agriculture says despite the good progress that was made, most of the region did receive frost over the past week, with some damage evident in corn and soybean crops, depending on the stage of the crops and the degree of frost. 

Spring wheat harvest is approximately 95 to 97 per cent complete across the region, except for The Pas, which is closer to 70 per cent in the bin.  Yields overall range from 50 to 90 bushels per acre. 

Canola harvest is about 40 to 45 per cent complete, with desicration and swathing continuing as crops reach appropriate stages.  Yields are averaging 40 to 55 bushels an acre.

Field pea harvest is now complete while Soybeans are mostly in the R8 stage and moving towards maturity, with a few soybean crops being harvested in the Dauphin area.

According to the report, seeding of fall-seeded crops has also started within the past week.