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The Dauphin Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation is putting out a call for sponsors and partners to help them fund their meal programs. 

In a news release, the organization says their funding for their meal programs - which they run five days a week for those in need - is set to run out by the end of January of next year. 

The program has been in operation since December of 2022, and so far this year has served over 8,100 meals alone.

The organization says they will be pursuing funding in order to continue offering their Breakfast Program next year, but are looking for donations or local partners to help them continue both meal programs going forward. 

Individuals or organizations looking to make charitable donations to the DNRC can do so through the Dauphin First United Church. 

If you are issuing a cheque, you are asked to write "DNRC meal program" in the memo portion. 

Charitable tax receipts will be offered for all donations.