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Representatives from Western Financial Group out of Gilbert Plains were in Dauphin yesterday to present a donation of $10,000 to the Support Our Seniors fund.

"We decided that this was something that needed to be recognized and made a little bit more special with a donation on part of Western Financial", said Joyce Furkalo, an insurance advisor at the company.

Fellow insurance advisor, Nancy Beatty, was also on hand and mentioned Western Financial Group's support of local communities like Dauphin, Gilbert Plains, and Grandview. The company has supported organizations like the Parkland Humane Society and helped with projects like refurbishing the Gilbert Plains Golf Ball.

If you would like to contribute to the Support Our Seniors fund, you can do so through the Dauphin and District Community Foundation's website. You can also stop in at Dauphin City Hall at 100 Main Street South or phone 204-638-4598.