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It's estimated that around one in six people aged 60 years and older have experienced some form of abuse over the past year.

"It's maddening and it's super sad that it's happening," said Shannon Genaille with Northwest Metis Council. "The numbers need to change and they need to change right now. Elders deserve respect."

Senior abuse is any action or inaction by a person in a position of trust that causes harm to an older adult. One form of abuse included in this is financial abuse. While elder abuse is not something that is talked about frequently, now is the time for change and that's why June 15 is known as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

Locally, the Northwest Metis Council will host hosting a drive-thru BBQ at the Metis Community Hall on 101 11 Ave SW in Dauphin beginning at 11:45. Everyone is welcome to take part by entering the hall parking lot off of 1st Street SW and then you will then exit onto Jackson Street. If you do take part, you are asked to stay in your vehicle and a bag will be brought to you, along with a burger and a bag of chips. 

Inside that bag will be a list of resources when it comes to staying safe and away from abuse.

"Elder abuse is not acceptable and it is very common," said Genaille. "The more we can get the awareness out there in hopes that people will step up and start taking care of our elders the better. In the end, they raised us and took care of us, so it's our turn to take care of them."

If you are or know of an elder that is being abused, the number for the Seniors Abuse Support Line is 1-888-896-7183. The line is 24 hours and you will be able to speak with a trained and caring counsellor. You can also visit World Elder Abuse Awareness