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Seeding progress took a massive leap over the last week, moving from 25% to 62% provincially.

That mark is much higher than the 40% for this time last year but still lags behind the five-year average of 62% for week 21. Provincially, producers are finishing up planting with 80-95% of spring cereals, 70% of corn, 47% of soybeans, and 40% of canola planted.

The Northwest region doesn't stray far from the norm as far as seeding progress, with spring wheat around 90% seeded, and approximately 40% emerged. Filed peas are around 95% seeded in the region with good emergence in most fields.

Approximately 60% of soybeans are seeded across the region, while canola seeding is approximately 40% complete in the Dauphin/Roblin area and more advanced in Swan River and The Pas areas with about 65-70% complete.

A few sporadic showers were reported but nothing significant enough to slow seeding progress. While the eastern side of the Northwest region is sitting at adequate soil moisture, the north and west parts of the region are moving into drier conditions.