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The Walk For Alzheimer's is back for its 9th year.

The walk helps raise money for the Alzheimer's Society of Manitoba (ASM) and the Alzheimer's Society of Canada. Since they're a non-profit organization, they would take all money that's raised and put it back into the community to help fund all sorts of programs.

Parkland Regional Director, Geoff VanMackelbergh, says that Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia and that raising awareness is important due to its growing numbers throughout the province and the country.

"Here in Manitoba, currently were about 18,400 people who are living with some form of dementia and recent statistics and surveys show that they're projecting that will double by 2050. So it's really important to raise awareness to the public."

ASM is doing everything it can to offer services to Manitobans who are dealing with the illness and the caregivers who help them.

One of the programs and services they have in place is called "Mind in Motion", which is designed for people with early to moderate signs of dementia to attend with a family member or friend. The weekly program offers 8 sessions including; a gentle chair fitness class followed by engaging activities and conversation. 

"What Alzheimer's Society Manitoba has done is create services and information to those caregiving, to help with strategies. We also run a number of support groups, some online, some in person depending on the region that you are in."

In Dauphin, there are support groups at the Active Living Centre every second Tuesday of the month at 1 pm. There are also groups that rotate between Gilbert Plains and Grandview every third Thursday at 10:30 am.

If you're interested in getting into the support groups call VanMackelbergh at (204) 638-4483, and if you want to get involved with the Walk For Alzheimer's, go to and follow the prompts to register.