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The provincial government has released the first crop report of the seeding season.

While seeding progress is ahead of where it was at this time last year, it's still far behind the five-year average, sitting at 25% complete as of week 20, up from last year's 10%, but well behind the five-year average of 63%.

In the Northwest Region, spring wheat seeding is leading the way, sitting around 90% complete in the Roblin area, while the Swan Valley and Dauphin areas are about 65% complete, and the Pas region is about 50%.

Early-seeded spring wheat in the Roblin and Swan Valley areas has emerged, and there was good winter wheat survival overall. Canola seeding has started and is about 10% done in the region, while field peas are 80% seeded. Soybean seeding is underway in the Dauphin area.

Progress was slowed down in the Dauphin and Ste. Rose areas after last week's storm, but a favourable weather forecast over the next week is expected to progress seeding well.