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Thursday, October 20th will be recognized as the Canadian Royal Purple's first annual Purple Thursday.

Angie Smith, president of the Dauphin Royal Purple Lodge and the Manitoba Royal Purple Association, says that it's a campaign held on the third Thursday of October which recognizes the intersection of interpersonal violence and brain injuries.

"We are connecting all the... lodges across Canada to women's shelters. We are collecting self-care items and putting them in purple care bags and on Purple Thursday... we will be donating those bags to every shelter across Canada," she adds.

Smith went on to say that they'll be right outside the Walmart at the Dauphin Market Place Mall to collect self-care items, such as feminine hygiene products, toiletries, shampoo and toothpaste, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, October 15th.

Angie Smith says that the cause means a lot to her because she is a survivor of interpersonal violence.

"We are trying to draw... awareness because I think there is a lot of talk about brain injuries, which is the Canadian [Royal] Purple's main cause. We talk about sports injuries, but nobody ever talks about the intersection between brain injuries caused by interpersonal violence... I really think that we need to draw awareness and stop the violence," she adds.

According to Smith, anyone going through any kind of domestic violence can reach out to the Parkland Crisis Centre for support at 204-638-9484.

Those who are seeking information regarding brain injuries can contact the Dauphin Royal Purple Lodge by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

They can visit the Canadian Royal Purple's national website as well.