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The Dauphin City Council held its second meeting of the month tonight. Here are some highlights from the meeting.

  • Dauphin Fire Department Cheif Cam Abrey gave a recap of their 2021 Year in Review. A recap of that review can be found here.
  • As part of the City Managers report:
    • The city has moved its facilities to mask friendly, following the province lifting mask mandates on March 15th
    • The city met with members from the Pine Creek and Ebb and Flow First Nation to discuss the Municipal Development and Services Agreement on March 24th. Following the meeting, a partnership between the two first nations and Petro Canada was announced. Information about the announcement can be found here.
    • The City is working to reach an agreement with Riding Mountain National Park regarding the Edwards Lake Water Agreement. Edwards creek has been the city’s water source since the 1930s. Talks have been stalled for a number of reasons, but the City Manager spoke about the new progress made.

On March 17 the Director of Public Works and Operations and I met with four representatives of Riding Mountain National Park to resume the process to work toward an agreement. We reviewed reports regarding the existence and condition of the pipe diversion infrastructure as well as the general characteristics of Edwards Lake and the watershed. It was identified that the city will require an Impact Assessment of the infrastructure in the lake/creek prior to continuing work on the Agreement.  Therefore, we are working with RMNP to determine the type of Impact Assessment required and which consultants can perform that type of work. We will continue to work with RMNP toward the agreement.

  • In the ICT Managers report, they announced the city's new website is complete, and information has been transferred, but there is still some work left before it is launched.
    • The city staff still needs to be trained on website alterations, and the staff will still need to alter any of the transferred information before the site is launched.

The next Dauphin City Council meeting is scheduled for April 11th. You can watch it on the City of Dauphin YouTube page here.