Although the Fusion Credit Union (FCU) board election isn’t until the end of March, the recruitment process for nominees is open.
FCU Chief Innovation Officer Michelle Mazurkewich says this election is significant because their election is done through a democratic voting process by the credit union members.
“Each of our members have the ability to use their voice to elect the candidate that they feel would be best suited for that position. We start the process by proactively recruiting potential candidates and really, for us, that increases our opportunity to bring new skill sets to the existing board of directors.”
Fusion’s focus right now is the impact of COVID-19 on the industry and members, both personal and business, and how to support them through the pandemic related challenges. Another focal point is technology and security, which includes some initiatives that will be released throughout the year.
Candidate nominations are open until midnight on February 28th. Following that, all potential candidates will be reviewed and interviewed.
The election is from March 22nd to April 2nd and will be done online and in-branch.
Mazurkewich says the election results will be announced at their AGM at the end of April.
“For this year, we four seats available, three three-year terms and one two-year term up and that is one seat within each of our four districts. So, no matter which branch or community you deal with, you have an opportunity to put your name forward.”
Fusion will announce more details on the election as the date gets nearer. Nomination forms are available at any Fusion branch or by calling (204)571-3923.