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Trick-or-Treating has been given the green light by public health officials, but it seems some Parklanders may decide to take this year off.

For those who are trick-or-treating this year, the province has provided guidance on the safest way to enjoy the Halloween festivities.

The province recommends tongs be used to distribute candy at a safe distance and encourage the handing out of wrapped, store-bought treats only.

Self-serve options, like a common candy bowl, are being discouraged by Manitoba health officials in order to limit the spread of COVID-19. 

Officials are also asking Manitobans to limit contact with people from outside their household, and recommend trick-or-treating with people you live with.

Non-medical masks can be incorporated into costumes, and face coverings are also encouraged for those giving out the candy.

The COVID Fundamentals

Health officials are also stressing the COVID fundamentals as part of a safe Halloween celebration — wash/sanitize hands frequently, keep 2 metres distance with people from outside your household when possible, cover your cough, and to stay home when sick.

The province advises anyone feeling unwell to avoid taking part in trick-or-treating.

All Manitobans are encouraged to consult their local Pandemic Response System level for current public health restrictions in effect for their area. Prairie Mountain Health is currently in the orange "restricted" level.

For more Halloween and trick-or-treating guidance from Manitoba health officials, click here.

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