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Yesterday was busy at the legislative building in Winnipeg. The Dauphin Correctional Centre Coalition group met with Justice Minister Cliff Cullen at noon. Cullen says he appreciates the local group coming for the conversation. He adds that the decision wasn’t made lightly and they are going ahead with it.

“Well, I appreciate their opinion, obviously they have concerns about their community and potential changes in their community. We recognize that change is difficult. A lot of individuals and families will be impacted by the decision. So, it was certainly I think a positive discussion about that and we committed to working with the committee as we work through this process.”

Cullen also gave a definitive no to the government reversing its decision to close the jail.

“We’re committed to this decision, obviously it was a difficult decision to make, but we believe it’s the right decision. Obviously it will impact individuals. That’s why we’re working closely with the employees and will continue to work closely with the employees as we move through the process.”

When asked if all the effort people have taken to try and reverse the decision means nothing, Cullen had this to say.

“No, it means that we are going to continue to work with the community and the Parkland, in terms of determining if there are individuals that want to stay and work in the Parkland Region. It also means that we are going to continue to commit on the positive economic impact that’s happened in the Parkland over the last few years. We as a government have invested over the last 2 years, 47 million dollars in the Parkland, we continue and will be making investments in the Parkland and we will definitely be working on the economic front as we move forward.”

Cullen says they now have an economic development committee of cabinet and they’ve put together various strategies to develop economics in Manitoba. When it comes to rural Manitoba there are specific organizations and groups that are looking at developing rural Manitoba and Cullen says the initial focus will be on the Parkland.